General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
< blank >

    it's not easy with your pic

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      sick editing man


        ty sir

        < blank >

          you're welcome


            i dont know what to say my iq is over two hundred


              my iq is higher than my mmr

              < blank >


                i had no idea that you were a pro mobile gamer

                D the Superior
                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    hmm 2013 flashbacks))

                    < blank >

                      < blank >


                          anyone selling mid 5k accounts here




                              anyone selling mid 5k accounts here


                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                whyd u need one


                                  obviously team holds him back and there's a 4k curse

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  D the Superior
                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                      surely im going to play 200 more games like this where some russian voice chat user instapicks voker after i locked mid and then dies 2v1 against a fucking od



                                        they spam me emails to buy my channel LUL


                                          cntrl + roll im retarded too small pic


                                            u should have asked how much he will offer u xd


                                              dude my channel is my life :D solo career for 2 years i wont sell it

                                              only to diox he can manage it well

                                              also u may like my music



                                                I can't take low-mid 5k games anymore, man they are sooo baaad, ppl die for no reason, slow to think and some decisions are "?????", it's so tilting to play and since I was tilted 4 games in a row I don't think I can play pubs anymore xd

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  i stoped at 5.3 i only play international ranked and party rankeds

                                                  i will play again when all acc buyers go back to 3k


                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    arin ure retarded

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      u know what will happen if ypothetically some1 sells/gifts u a mid5k acc?
                                                      u'll go on a massive lose streak and either use the same excuses as now or(since ure playing with ppl on avg 1k above u) start balming "osfrog" shit like u did in battlecup games

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        but keep practicing creep quilibrium man im sure it will get u very far!


                                                          nice pics on ur videos dude XD


                                                            thx fam haHA


                                                              u'll go on a massive lose streak and either use the same excuses as now or(since ure playing with ppl on avg 1k above u) start balming

                                                              no, i'll play the role that i actually want to play instead of having to play cores to preserve my sanity and then lose anyway since my tempo's twice faster which doesn't mean shit when my teams afk farming jungle and i either afk with them or just get jumped by 5 people and die

                                                              i'm willing to bet that i'd be able to maintain >50% winrate for the price of the account

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                                  i suppose it's too hard to understand that wanting to improve in dota and attempting to learn anything from 4k bracket doesn't go well together with each other

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      yea dude noone ever faced the terrors of a 4k bracket, ure the one thats in a unique position of willing to IMPROVE SO BADLY yet getting dragged down by horrible 4k apwes


                                                                        go ahead try to convince me about how bad i am after dozens of successful games with/against 6ks

                                                                        except playing with meka's ru stack where we went to push hg in 10th min which was pretty insane

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          all you're missing at this point is calling me a weeaboo degenerate

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            ure like marlan

                                                                            aXAAhAHA I PLAY IN 5K PARTIES THIS MEANS IM GOOD!!!
                                                                            and its exactly the same narrative 2k retards go with when they claim theyre 4k, hurr durr i do well when i play with my 4k friends(in unranked)

                                                                            u played with a 6k yesterday and u played like a moron, selective memory or is it not a valid game because those 2 morons "triggered" u? =)

                                                                            all you're missing at this point is calling me a weeaboo degenerate

                                                                            i think i did? i called u a weeb retard at least once, but that's beside the point either way

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds
                                                                              Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds


                                                                                i've already admitted that i played like a moron yesterday
                                                                                and im not a carry mainer


                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  whatever im done arguin with a wall


                                                                                    I enjoy when this weaboo degenerate is lossing games and blaming MM

                                                                                    ham strokers ejacula

                                                                                      What is happening!

                                                                                      < blank >

                                                                                        but keep practicing creep quilibrium man im sure it will get u very far!

                                                                                        i don't know how to do this and i got 5k, so why are you talkin' smack?


                                                                                          what is creep quilibrium


                                                                                            what's up with everyone having those fucked up pics with red dots?


                                                                                              why is aimstrong so gay


                                                                                                arent we all quite gay?


                                                                                                  can i have my pic be fucked up with red dots too?

                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    Recently the song ‘Everyday Bro’ by Youtuber Jake Paul and his outfit ‘Team Ten’ has come under a lot of criticism. Although a lot of this is quite frankly warranted, one line in particular has come under some undeserved scrutiny. “England is my city” is a line which has been misinterpreted by many, including H3. Many people have been bashing the line by the English, aspiring rapper Nick Crompton. I was one of the few who saw the true meaning behind the line, one which has many complex layers which I would like to explore in this post.

                                                                                                    Some people reacted to this line by simply saying “England is a Country”, an argument which is obviously true if you take the literal meaning of the bar. These people did not see what the ‘city’ actually represented . Nick equates England to a city as a way of revealing that he is bigger than it. If England is his city than that the means the World is his country. Nick cannot be simply contained by modern borders; he moves from Country to Country like a normal person commutes to work. The world is Nick’s oyster and that is shown in this line.

                                                                                                    I believe that when Nick first wrote this line he knew the criticism it would receive. He understood that only a select few ‘Nick Cromptoners’ would know the true meaning of the lyric. Nick is a prodigy when it comes to marketing; He knew that this line would filter out only the truest ‘Nick Cromptoners’, creating a fan base of whom he has their undying attention and loyalty. I believe that nick may actually be trying to build an army, one with the extreme discipline of making it through the entire song. With this army Nick will be able to conquer the World, unifying it under a single flag. In this Utopian World there is only one Country and all of the existing Countries become mere Cities. England would be the capital of the World and hence it would be ‘Nick’s city’. In this world Viners will be the social elite, boost it boards will become the main form of transport and it will be illegal to not Vlog everything that you do.

                                                                                                    Many geniuses are sometimes not understood as they are just too far ahead of their time for people to grasp their artwork, I believe Nick Crompton is one of these people. And although you may not be from Compton, you Sir, can indeed rap.