why do I get dogshit players in my team especially mid laners I think every single fucking time someone else went mid he got fucking destroyed... I can't take this game anymore it's so stupid
i lost that game
plus it happens quite often, i wish i could see how many times i do draw it and how many times i pull it out
it was a joke anyways, i didnt mean it ^_^
I can't believe today when I went ranked solo q all those games were nice without ruiners I bet the next day I'll play every game will be toxic shitshow
btw as afeect said today and y/day dotes were nice without any toxic dog in my team, also wtf winstreaks with supports?!
thanks battlepass dogshit quests for green page :D haHA
wew lad
why do I get dogshit players in my team especially mid laners I think every single fucking time someone else went mid he got fucking destroyed... I can't take this game anymore it's so stupid
fuck 5k's
this too
ye that ones lit as well but i listened too much to it
WHY THIS IS MY MID PLAYER NICE FUCKING PARTY MMR love when I get something like this in my team https://www.dotabuff.com/players/123127069
you are 5k player urself and not the best one both in terms of skill and mentality arent u
triple with the monthly heat
im on a vacation finally
man its so hot here triple can u come and wave a fan please
if u like ur upperbody can be naked
i dont like my upperbody but nor i like ppl so ill go with it
im disabled, i dont have lower body
lol triple
So I picked lycan for a few games and suddenly I'm the best support almost XD haven't seen that kinda graph where I have so many points in supporting
this game is FUCKING RIGGED
what a retarded deck
Just because you didn't get god draw one game doesn't mean it's rigged. You are against priest anyway, it's like sure-win.
i lost that game
plus it happens quite often, i wish i could see how many times i do draw it and how many times i pull it out
it was a joke anyways, i didnt mean it ^_^
I should be studying for my finals but instead I'm looking at retarded, low-IQ memes.
I can't believe today when I went ranked solo q all those games were nice without ruiners I bet the next day I'll play every game will be toxic shitshow
won battlecuck with 4 randoms from bc dota channel
juan more for golden epic PogChamp
УЛЬТ в доте - это не та абилка, которой принято раскидываться. За многих героев критически важно ультовать в правильный момент. Например за мипо.
what the fuck
guess that happens when youre 14, normal skill and post on dotabuff L U L
we can win some daytime faceit ladders if we manage to gather a normal stack but i dont want to do it
im just down to play
normal stack
nice joke
to request a normal stack you have to be a normie yourself first
suck it kids, huge 18 inch cock
un fucking believable
lul spunki im 14btw
btw as afeect said today and y/day dotes were nice without any toxic dog in my team, also wtf winstreaks with supports?!
thanks battlepass dogshit quests for green page :D haHA