speaking of compendium quest whys this retarded shivas guard quest the third in the ogre path
not only shivas aint core on any1 and often purchased by like 5% of heroes its also some stupid amount like 90 seconds
i initially thought it was 2 seconds but then i looked up and its 4 seconds
still u gotta
1)get it early enough, which is horrible on most heroes
2)for 3 stars u need to affect 23 heroes with it, which is pretty hard on itself with 35 second cd
idk the only way to do it and not kys in the process is probably just buy it on enemy fountain as tinker
well yea storm was the 2nd hero i thought about and is the only hero i play that gets shivas but still u wont get until bs+orchid/linkens
and i dont wanna play storm because morons get triggered every time when i pick him safelane
the main reason i dont go mid is because u have a shit time vs most mids and theres a shorter window for u to farm and more shit going around, i often ended up with 18-19 min bs meanwhile safelane i could easily get sub 15 mins bs even if pressured
and now bottle + jungle got nerfed too since the last time i played
idk ill probably either bite the bullet and just pick him safelane or go mid until i get a good start and do this fucking quest at last on 1 star so i can at least unlock the other quests
yea idk wtf u watched but apparently this is what it should be
regardless, youre supposed to feel a tingling sensation on ur skin that moves around on ur body. i know what that feels like but for me it gets triggered at random times and this asmr shit dosnt work
u should be able to win with visage, maybe ur not playing it right?
did u get sehny to coach u?
no, i didnt ask him.
just watched some of his broadcasts and got from him the 1 1 3 build
just play visage mid lmao ez win
tilt enemy mid and go ff in 15
i want to play supports
and i dont think it helps my case anyhow, i cant outcarry heroes like spectre or slark with a visage
retards are just gonna throw as usual but this time we wont have 3 cores that might turn something around but only 2
and that makes me feel defeated even more since everytime i play with aimstrongs mk he plays absolutely awfully
cant imagine how he got to 5k playing like that
i wish i could say that these games were some special cases and that i'm a retard
but every single loss of mine with visage looks like this (except like one or maybe two games where we just got crushed thanks to garbage pick that couldnt do anything before 30th min)
https://www.dotabuff.com/players/90373262 this guy did it too, what is it that's so different from us
i mean yeah, i'm by no means 7k but i seriously don't know what more i can do in my games to get to 5k or more
i feel like i've improved a lot yet it doesn't show ANYHOW on my mmr even if i try really hard and don't tilt like now
(or it does, im actually dropping slowly)
they suck dicks, thats the thing
they give 2 tangos, a sentry and 2 obs, pick something like CM for aura and always have a tp with them, yet only win 60% of their games
they suck dicks, thats the thing
they give 2 tangos, a sentry and 2 obs, pick something like CM for aura and always have a tp with them, yet only win 60% of their games
then how am i winning like 50% of my games (less) when doing all this + supporting things that actually help winning the game AND doing the same (bigger) impact than a core would with TD/HD/kills
while u are completing your silly compendium quests, I am becoming a legend
ywn sama dont u dare insult me
speaking of compendium quest whys this retarded shivas guard quest the third in the ogre path
not only shivas aint core on any1 and often purchased by like 5% of heroes its also some stupid amount like 90 seconds
doesnt it slow like 5s? u need to use it like 6 times lol
i initially thought it was 2 seconds but then i looked up and its 4 seconds
still u gotta
1)get it early enough, which is horrible on most heroes
2)for 3 stars u need to affect 23 heroes with it, which is pretty hard on itself with 35 second cd
idk the only way to do it and not kys in the process is probably just buy it on enemy fountain as tinker
tinker, storm, invoker
also dont forget thats some huge ass aoe, if u jump in with storm u should easily hit 3-4 heroes every cast
If they die during the slow it also counts for less duration. Like, just compare it to the Solar Crest quest and you will see why it's dumb.
yeha, but solar crest quest gives 400, shivas guard 800 poitns
so to get the same amoutn of pts u only need 30 seconds of slow, which is easily doable on any hero
well yea storm was the 2nd hero i thought about and is the only hero i play that gets shivas but still u wont get until bs+orchid/linkens
and i dont wanna play storm because morons get triggered every time when i pick him safelane
mb u go mid or jungle?
bs should take 14 min, orchid say 22, after that u can build shivas
or u can skip orchid and go euls/shivas or some similar shit
I'm sure this happens every game
and for sure you will have magnus in your team that will rp always 3-4 heroes
definitely not jungle
the main reason i dont go mid is because u have a shit time vs most mids and theres a shorter window for u to farm and more shit going around, i often ended up with 18-19 min bs meanwhile safelane i could easily get sub 15 mins bs even if pressured
and now bottle + jungle got nerfed too since the last time i played
idk ill probably either bite the bullet and just pick him safelane or go mid until i get a good start and do this fucking quest at last on 1 star so i can at least unlock the other quests
its not even the quest itself that bugs me but the fact that its in the very beginning of the quest tree
https://clips.twitch.tv/FaithfulAdventurousRabbitNotATK OMEGALUL
okay im done
4k is inescapable
sorry ywn
u should be able to win with visage, maybe ur not playing it right?
did u get sehny to coach u?
just play visage mid lmao ez win
tilt enemy mid and go ff in 15
russian asmr kreYGMasm
still dont know what asmr is apart from some gay shit
asmr is some shit where u get get hard from some girls voice and jerk offf to it basically
never understood it its super cringy to me
not necessarily no
its just that the asmr 'community' on youtube mainly consists of females trying to do it
yeah youtube recommended me some videos where ppl eat chocolate and similar shit lmfao
although bubus voice is pretty hot, i still dont know how that could get me hard
its supposed to relax u not get u hard
so when i had a stressful day i turn on a video of someone eating chocolate and munching into the mic with their ugly face
god bless technology
alison watches mira OMEGALUL
yea idk wtf u watched but apparently this is what it should be
regardless, youre supposed to feel a tingling sensation on ur skin that moves around on ur body. i know what that feels like but for me it gets triggered at random times and this asmr shit dosnt work
miras russian so > stpeach SoBayed
and shes smart too
no, i didnt ask him.
just watched some of his broadcasts and got from him the 1 1 3 build
i want to play supports
and i dont think it helps my case anyhow, i cant outcarry heroes like spectre or slark with a visage
retards are just gonna throw as usual but this time we wont have 3 cores that might turn something around but only 2
u should consider that u might be one of them sir
i mean even aimstrong made it to 5k once
and that makes me feel defeated even more since everytime i play with aimstrongs mk he plays absolutely awfully
cant imagine how he got to 5k playing like that
how do i do that with visage? especially with current retarded comeback mechanics
but in the end
it doesn't even matter
i wish i could say that these games were some special cases and that i'm a retard
but every single loss of mine with visage looks like this (except like one or maybe two games where we just got crushed thanks to garbage pick that couldnt do anything before 30th min)
play tb/ta/visage/invoker and get mmr
try not to play sups, u can sup in higher mmr
i want to do it by playing nothing but supports but i'm losing hope that it's possible
or i'm really just bad? i don't know
how can people solo carry game with supports in high mmrs and im unable to do it in this stupid 4k trench
this guy did it too, what is it that's so different from us
i mean yeah, i'm by no means 7k but i seriously don't know what more i can do in my games to get to 5k or more
i feel like i've improved a lot yet it doesn't show ANYHOW on my mmr even if i try really hard and don't tilt like now
(or it does, im actually dropping slowly)
they suck dicks, thats the thing
they give 2 tangos, a sentry and 2 obs, pick something like CM for aura and always have a tp with them, yet only win 60% of their games
u can win 100% on mid tho)
i think supporting in very high mmr is completely different compared to supporting in low mmr
I made it to 5k like 4 or 5 times with 3 or 4 different heroes
storm, mk, bear and i think kunkka
then how am i winning like 50% of my games (less) when doing all this + supporting things that actually help winning the game AND doing the same (bigger) impact than a core would with TD/HD/kills