General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion


    not arin

      what do you mean


        i mean probably. anyway the taste of fries is all about seasoning and using a lot of salt

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Generally, frozen cut potatoes for use in making (American) french fries, or "chips" elsewhere, are primarily raw and partially cooked, by virtue of having been hot air dried in large blowers, after having been well rinsed to remove excess starch. The purpose of drying is to eliminate ice crystallization and to somewhat seal the surface of the potato. This is done in order to prevent excess damage to the oil, (and splatter) caused by the frozen potato hitting the hot oil. The restaurant industry discovered that frozen made for a better end product if you are frying in hot oil, and blanching saved thousands of dollars per month in oil. It also improves the appearance to be air blanched. And, it results in less oil being absorbed, therefore somewhat improving the food's nutrional value, and for some, improving the taste by being less greasy.

          But, frying in oil is still frying in oil, so it is not health food. I have heard on good authority, that you can cook these in an oven and they crisp in a dry sort of way, and therefore you might want to get an olive oil mist pump to give a light coat before putting in oven, so that they more closely resemble the feel of fries in your mouth. Freezing is a technique that improves fried foods, but my guess is that oven rating a frozen potato may not be the way to go. Perhaps thawing would be better? Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato!

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            lots of nutrients in the skin

            wow thats real neat!
            u know when i think fries i think "healthy and nutritious meal" u know what im saying? so that rly adds a nice extra layer of nutrition and healthiness on top of already healthy fries so my fries can be twice as healthy! thanks ywntEEzY-!!

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              This is honestly the most stupid page of this thread and this thread has seen a lot of shit.


                The (unnamed) company in the below video:

                soaks its potato chips (fries) in water [probably tap water] to remove sugar from them so that they'll all be a similar colour
                blanches (cooks) them in hot water
                fries them in hydrogenated vegetable oil
                It's plausible that a company could bake their fries before freezing them, but who knows what water they soak in and what oil they're coated with.


                  damage to the oil

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Also no, you don't have to freeze them. Just peel and cut 'em properly, then straight into the pan. Tastes awesome.


                      This is done in order to prevent excess damage to the oil


                        cook and freeze BrokeBack


                          MY OIL!!!!


                            Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato! Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato! Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato! Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato! Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato! Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato! Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato! Or, as Armin pointed out, simply cut up a potato!


                              partially cooked partially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cookedpartially cooked


                                partially cooked, by virtue of having been hot air dried in large blowers, after having been well rinsed to remove excess starch


                                  This is done in order to prevent excess damage to the oil

                                  Also no, you don't have to freeze them. Just peel and cut 'em properly, then straight into the pan. Tastes awesome.

                                  yeah but if he cant eat all of them and wants to save some...


                                    XD gg


                                      damaged oil

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        Also no, you don't have to freeze them. Just peel and cut 'em properly, then straight into the pan. Tastes awesome.

                                        fucking hell i alrdy said it takes a lot of time to prepare AND fry them in one go for me and thats the only reason i wanted to freeze them in the first place


                                          but i dont think clockwerkula got a large blower that can cook his fries for him!!! so just cook them for a few minutes


                                            hello u can fry them with skin it doesnt matter, it takes what, 20 seconds to cut 4 potatoes in quarters and fry them


                                              ? yes the oil can eb damaged hello

                                              Yowai Mo

                                                literally this and previous page

                                                edited because triple is lurking

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  the only connection i got with florin-like names, is one of Korvi9n's sister, Flora, in Zhaliazny (or w/e the spelling of his surname in English is) books

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    i think by damage to the oil they mean that oil gets mixed with water when u unfreeze fries without dehydrating them beforehand and it kinda fucks up the process


                                                      ye ofc ure the only ripped dude

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        hello u can fry them with skin it doesnt matter, it takes what, 20 seconds to cut 4 potatoes in quarters and fry them

                                                        i dont want ur fucking fries with skin on them fuck off ure weird


                                                          i dont want ur fucking fries with skin on them fuck off ure weird

                                                          retard just try it next time, i mean u can just throw in one potato with skin and peel the others


                                                            oil becomes damaged when its exposed to a lot of heat its excaclty the reason why fries at mcdonlds are very unhealthy since they use the same oil to fry tons of fries because they reach the smoke point

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              oh no what happened to this guy did he cut himself? :o :O

                                                              Yowai Mo

                                                                ye, i'm a clumsy cooker

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  he talked shit about potatoes then ywn the cookmaster fucked him up rl bad


                                                                    cut himself on the elbow XDDDDD

                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      okay moron i will leave one unpeeled potato next time i fry and if its not good i will start calling u mr.skinhead

                                                                      Yowai Mo

                                                                        you just didn't pay attention to the detail, triple is the lurking latina in the background and i masked the girls on the pics only huehue


                                                                          it will be as good as any other of ur potatoes

                                                                          whether those are good is anotehr question

                                                                          Yowai Mo

                                                                            nah just call him florian


                                                                              smh ppl think they can trigger me by using my name in 2017 LUL

                                                                              Yowai Mo

                                                                                why would you even be triggered?


                                                                                  u lil shit meet u outside rail central station essen in 1 hour next to all the drug dealers, they'll supply us with weapons


                                                                                    im here waiting where are u

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                          moiez do we have to talk about ur weight:height again??

                                                                                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა



                                                                                                i didnt even think that usage of florian is triggering, i was just using it normally

                                                                                                This is honestly the most stupid page of this thread and this thread has seen a lot of shit.

                                                                                                the best page


                                                                                                  btw didnt we have similar discussion the one and only time i tried to cook frozen prefried fries in microwave

                                                                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა