General Discussion

General DiscussionItem choices to solo carry as AM?

Item choices to solo carry as AM? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Tried to carry my friend as AM. Game is about 3,2k mmr I am not sure about my item choices in retrospect. I went Threads->Bfury->Vlads->Manta->BKB->Heart->Abyssal. Any tips what I could have done diffrently? I was considering Linkens instead of bkb

    Game in question:

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Bfury + Vlads is not needed, you can get out with only 1 of them eventhough it can be good some games.


        go bfly heart instead of bkb heart i think

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            slahser is a retard though, listen to his voice

            casual gamer

              skip heart, usually get bfly/abby before bkb unless ur getting sodomized

              bfury vlads is the best build

              saving private RTZ

                Vlads gives you more mana regen,armor,sustainability in jungle/ancients/solo roshan/fighting. I get vlads after Bfury + treads almost every game if i'm not against natural orchid builders like storm, qop n shit, or if i dont see any one of them starting to build it.
                Heart its a pretty shitty item on non-str heroes to be honest, instead go for abbysal>butterfly> sell vlads and buy bkb if needed.
                Or you can go bkb first, then butterfly. Dont buy heart unless they have some sort of magical damage and not physical, but even then, getting bkb instead of heart is much more effective honestly.

                In your game there was no reason not to go butterfly, you were against medusa/jugg/spiritbreaker/nature prophet. Jugg had mkb, but its better that only 1 hero can hit you, instead of 4. Maybe you could've skip bkb, medusa, jugg ult goes through, i think even SB goes. Meh, furion got dagon and hex... Idk, it could have worked but it was probably too risky. But butterfly was honestly a much better choice

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                  I honestly don't see vlads and bfury at mutually exclusive items since vlads really helps you farm ancients while maintaining a high HP in the jungle.


                  1. You should aim for bfury before treads if possible.
                  2. Like I said earlier vlads is ok but if you can get manta sooner it is a lot better
                  3. Your bkb choice is really bad considering you are just depleting its charges and you don't even need it so early.



                    saving private RTZ

                      I dont think he bought the bkb too early

                      I'll hop in game and watch the game


                        U SUCK


                          treads before bfury makes your bfury timing more consistent as you can farm extra neutrals in the jungle. your bfury will be delayed compared to going brown boots into BF then treads, since treads won't let you farm an extra 950g worth of neutrals, but treads -and- bfury will be quicker by a minute or two, more if your lane gets contested and you have to go to the jungle.

                          saving private RTZ


                            you may want to put more stats early on, do something as a 1-1-1 skill build, and then put on stats. To make sure you have blink maxed by the time you have battlefury follow this simple steps: As you buy a component of the bfury, put one skillpoint in blink.
                            SO you put 1 at lvl 1- thats for roh, you put the second when you got your void stone, 3rd one when you got claymore, and 4th one when you finished battlefury. If you go for vlads, you can put 2-3 more in stats, as you dont really need the mana burn until you finished manta

                            I dont understand why you dived tower at 16 min against medusa, tho you killed her, you gave her much gold from your killstreak

                            At min 17 you TPed top lan to save omni tho there were 3 heroes. You could've survive but you went greedy mode and tried to kill jugger, but why? Medusa already popped you ulti, you mana voided jugg for like 50 damage, and you didnt look at his mana, and then you get stoned and killed. You could go bot, farm and push the lane, maybe take T1

                            at min 20 you, you meet ogre in jungle and start hitting him until spirit breaker got there, but you start trading hits with him too. when sb appeared you should have blinked away. Min 20, 4 deaths, all could've been avoided easily, thus improving your farm rate and net worth

                            Min 28 after you take roshan, you go help your team, you actually check medusa twice( i guess to watch her mana) and clearly see that she got a linken but you still go for the mana void.

                            This game wasnt really lost because of item choices, except you couldve got butterfly instead of hurt, you had many little mistakes, and the other team pretty much snowballed, and you help them by giving some free deaths. Especially that you were the highest networth hero so you gave lotta gold

                            so, the game was pretty a pretty good AM game, you died a little bit too much in early game, losing gold and creeps. I see really no point in going HoT instead of butterfly, as right now, HoT its a pretty crappy item for non-str heroes.

                            But even if you would got butterfly, you team was very underfarmed so you were probably still gonna lose

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა