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General DiscussionHave made it boys!

Have made it boys! in General Discussion

    Have made it boys!







    THE HATE...






    MMR 2 months ago: 3380
    MMR today: 4492

    Thanks for all the support and hate! Now, let's go 5k MMR!


      still not 4,5k

      Hex Sigma

        Good job op. You really are a good player


          i feel like i can be proud of you once again



            Lol. My comments were detailed and logical enough that you didn't even try to respond to them after one point. I gave legit advice and explained how you weren't as good as you thought you were. Spamming simple to play carries to 4.5k did not make you a 4.5k player. The fact it took you 2 months to reach where you claim you belonged all along sorta shows this.

            Anyway, congratulations, you've tryharded and struggled and put in effort to reach this 4500 number whereas others in the same bracket just play yolo swaggin and have the same rank you do.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              ^why r u still hating man op put in a lot of work
              Good game Well Played!


                no need to hate.


                  dont listen to this emporor bak guy he seems like a toxic dingus. probably mad that your mmr is higher than his.


                    Thanks guys, will just use him as motivation :)


                      Good job m8. You have just surpassed me lel. But it seems like you play a bit too much in a single day sometimes. is your health ok?


                        wp brah


                          >well played!

                          Gl further haha


                            Good luck


                              Read my original comments on his post.

                              I gave him advice, I explained him why raging that he fell 'because of teammates' wasn't the reason he dropped. It's funny how he considered it hate. It's hate because someone reasoned out and told him he wasn't as good as he thought he was?


                              He still refuses to directly respond to my original comments. Go read them it you think its 'hate'. No offense, but BlackXargon still thinks his teammates are always pulling him down. And let's be frank that very idea is a fallacy. Man up and admit that you weren't as good as you thought you were and improved to reach 4.5k. Not because you belonged there all along.


                              If you still ignore what I say then sure whatever man, you can delude yourself. Well, washing my hands off this. I'm not going to bother anymore over a stranger obsessed with a number. Enjoy your life, write me off as a hater.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                The hate is good sometimes, so motivation is even bigger :)


                                  still not 4,5k


                                    i remember i was cheering u up for this and lol u made it:D

                                    stay focused

                                    ✔️ DemKy Nigerian Prince

                                      you need one more win to be 4.5.

                                      get gud noob


                                        sorry, here it is..

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Ugh, here's a fine example of covering your asses with pointless, "Good job, you made it!" By the toxic 5k players.

                                          "The hate is good sometimes, so motivation is even bigger :)"

                                          No, it movates people in the wrong way. I'm trying to get higher so I can slap people like you an wave in the face for talking down onto the lower brackets.

                                          That's the wrong motivation.

                                          Luckily, OP has decided to go with postive reinforcement as his structure, so good for him.


                                            Positive reinforcement isn't ignoring the truth and turning a blind eye to it~

                                            Stuff like "I lost cause I wasn't trying or cause I was just raging" or "Been really unlucky with dumb teammates" are horrible ways of motivating to yourself. His blog is literally full of complaining. If you can improve yourself with this mindset, then you could've probably improved a lot more if you acknowledged your own ineptness in the first place. This part isn't to BX anymore since he doesn't want to talk to me (cuz everything I ever said was a fact) but to others out there who should take this sort of advice to heart.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              How about you just have fun playing your damned game and not give a fuck about other's motivation to win his fucking game?

                                              Anyways, congrats on getting your 1k points back dude. If you ever fall down again, don't forget to post it again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                In short, you're running the argument of "why do you care" after the argument of "thats baseless hating" doesn't work anymore?

                                                Honestly, I don't know why I care. I just came by the thread and saw myself written as a hater when in actuality, if you read my original comments, it was sincere advice on telling him how to improve. So maybe that. Telling someone the points he can improve on but finding out two months later you were called a hater for that. BX to this day hasn't corrected the mindset of "it's not me, it's others" or "i could always do it, just never tried" and if you're a player that agrees with that, then whatever lol.

                                                How about you not comment on things you aren't involved in and don't know anything about ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I literally complimented his game sense and said he understood objectives but lacked the mechanical skills to make use of it. I'm a hater cause of that?

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  Yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                  Also Internet.

                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                      I just shuffled thru and I'll give respect for your dedication. Well done, good job. 5K is not far away, and should be an easy accomplishment if you continue with your passion to win.

                                                      Wish I could get the true passion I had months ago back.

                                                      Pol Pot of Greed

                                                        gREat STuFF M8 4/20


                                                          Nice work there! I'm hoping to be like you, but still struggling to be able to get out of the 3k trench hole....


                                                            Nice thread bro, mixed emotions going on here but it is the reality, we just need to play with passion and love we are doing, continuous training. I hope I reach 4k in less than a week 3.8k+ by now. Learning to adjust roles and countering enemy.