you don't really need to smurf when your mmr is so low. Just play as normal; and i hope you feed lots because its very clear you don't understand PANDA's strength!
God, in 3k, you just KNOW when the Brewmaster players are legit. They are scary people, no matter what build they go on for them.
Meh sounds like radiance brood to me
If you can get it fast, you will stomp ~80% of matches, and fall off horribly the other 20%
if you don't get it fast, gggggggggggg
i like the greaves idea
Look at my dota buff, 3K brewmaster player right here, i'm honored you have been rekt by me :) Just kidding.
i once played against a guy with ~2700 or 1700 brewmaster games, and really high mmr.
can't find the game tho
Pos 1 rushes dagger. No way around it, you cannot afford to be useless for 18 minutes as panda before you have your radiance.
Usually the basic build is like (Arcane/Treads) Boots, Blink, Wand, (Bottle), Basi, TP
In the least scenario it is almost around 4k of gold. And then you can consider going radiance, but going radiance just because is not the go to.
If you face a lot of melee carrys/fights are really hectic you get shiva/aghs.
If you are primarily the initiator and you want to just deathball vlad/ac.
Silence(Disable) counters Eul/Bkb
Lategame you get Hex/Refresher most of the time.
I can only see radiance in the deathball cause your fights will be way better and you farm fast but it just takes sooooo much time to build initially, where AC/Vlad outshines it. And both of those items grant passive damage and damage reduction
Actually add Greaves for Silence removal as well, as arcane and meka is actually alright on panda, the upgrade is optional and saves you a slot as your boots would be the silence removal.
try farming a radiance on every carry and see what it does to your winrate if u are able to farm it
go radiance on a creep u took with helm of dominator.. u can still win the game with that creep on this low bracket
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
It's working surprisingly well.
95 magic damage per second on split and 75% drunken haze miss rate + radiance blind is lots of crowd control.
Guardian greaves removes silences which are the bane of brewmasters after you blink in and provide aura during split form and enough mana/heal to sustain pushes.