General Discussion

General DiscussionI need an Invoker coach for quas-wex and/or quas-exort :)

I need an Invoker coach for quas-wex and/or quas-exort :) in General Discussion
fish soda

    I am currently 3.4/3.5k mmr and I have been trying to learn Invoker for a while, however, I just can't seem to do it effectively. I've been playing q/e but my 4k friend said that q/w is easier because it's just tornado-emp-cold snap-auto attack-kill... I can't seem to do it properly and he can't teach me because he quit Dota. I need someone who can teach me combos, how to play in certain situations and how to build in different games (I've heard you have to build according to the game). So if anybody is willing to help I would really appreciate it :)

    (Also, if you can help me play mid efficiently just in general that would also be appreciated lol)

    თემა შეიცვალა

      why dont you just watch guides made by famous invoker players? they cover more or less everything you need, and usually include the demonstrations which make the process of learning easier.


        prob cause a coach helps way more than any guide would


          ^if i had to chose between 4k coach and Miracle-'s guide, i would go for second option
          tbh I dont believe in the power of coaching. if you want to learn anything, you can always do it urself as log as there is internet connection (this may be applied not to pc games only).

          plz do

            the difference between teaching urself and being taught lies in how much effort u have to make. Reading guides, teaching urself - takes a shitload of effort. Being taught and solutions are presented to you - is ez copypasta.
            most people profit most from the first option - if that was the most effective option, we wouldnt have schools though.


              i believe that the reasoning for the existence of schools etc. is children's (and most adults') lack of self-motivation. imho if you really want to learn something, there is no difference in effitiency between studying it yourself or being taught by someone, as long as you can access all the information you need.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              Giff me Wingman

                Invoker is a hero you can only learn with a lot of practice.

                plz do

                  @Triple: I typed this out earlier but didnt have time to post it. Dont know if this still makes sense but still gonna post it:

                  Ur first sentence is what i meant in my post above.
                  I just want to comment on the 2nd sentence: there is a difference between a learner's intrinsic and extrinsic motives (im not sure if the english professional circles call it that way) - brains work differently while discovering (intrinsic) OR copying (extrinsic). Discovering leads often to a deeper memorizing. Anyways, like u said: "if u really want to learn something" - the differences of the outcome might not be noticable there.

                  Example: You really want to learn english:
                  1) You read Shakespeare during ur off-time and come across a word u dont understand - look it up in a dictionary and read the Shakespeareian sentence again. Wow, ur brain is impressed how this sentence suddenly makes sense.
                  2) You get a vocab list from a random teacher in a random english class. U remember the word for ur teacher and show ur not dumb. U get a good grade, because u are primed like a Pavlov dog.

                  Outcome= both know the same word - but No1 has a different quality of knowledge. (imo better)


                    yup, i agree. i just didnt want to go that deep into the topic since i was not sure whether u (or whoever is reading it) studied this stuff (i mean types of knowledge and efficiency of memorizing), and i am too lazy to explain it properly as u did, xD.

                    plz do

                      i just got personally touched by this topic and wanted to apply some of my knowledge. since i suck at dota, i need to prove myself in some other ways ;)


                        well, thanks for choosing this option instead of posting dick picks then