General Discussion

General DiscussionI really think we need KDAs as a basic/rough stat to show in the play...

I really think we need KDAs as a basic/rough stat to show in the player hero picking stage. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Just to cite two scenarios why I think it will generally benefit anyone in pubs.

    If you plan to support, you got to atleast see that the player who wants to pick a carry have a decent positive KDA ratio.

    If you plan to carry, the players who picks supports should have a decent ratio as well with a little more on the avg assist side and dies less.

    Its not a perfect stat, but atleast a ball park avg efficiency figure if its worthit to pick a carry or a support.

    Some examples:

    Player A - Picks Carry (hidden KDA is 1.0)

    You then trust this guy by picking support and just dies throughout the game.

    Player B - Picks support (hidden KDA is -.5)

    You then trust this guy to support you but he ends up giving a lot of deaths to the other team.


    Those are just simple and general scenarios that will make you lose games but can somehow be remedied in the picks page if you see their Kills Deaths Assist averages.

    Dire Wolf

      KDA has little to do with wins or skill. The biggest factor by far is hero picks, both what your team picks and what enemy team picks. Too misleading to be shown. Plus you will be encouraging players to start trying to pad their kda's, refusing to join fights they should join for fear of dying, and picking high assist heroes like zeus and spectre all the time (which is what basically happens for all the smurfs now anyway).

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Pom Pom 🍕

        having high or low KDA doesn't tell all the impact you have in a game, even as a carry. Some people are also way too careful about not dying and avoid any risks, even if it's a good chance of winning from it. Which can make them end up with a high kda, but a low winrate. Sometimes you need to take risks to win.

        Benao for example has less than 2 KDA on his 450+ drow games, but a high winrate on her despite that.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Mortimer Smith

          DUD, when i know we lost i go feed

          Or when they are going ancient and i can buyback 1v5 i buyback and they kill me, kda means nothing.


            question: what about people who play different roles


              also how do you calculate that kda given that your kdas are bad when you lose and good when you win


                bad idea, says nothing

                Bad Intentions

                  Guys in random pubs where u dont really know anyone.

                  1. If someone picks a carry with a negative KDA, would you still risk of supporting him?

                  2. You've picked your best carry, someone picks a support that has a negative KDA, will u still trust him to support the team effectively?

                  Its just rough estimates of efficiency, the KDA averages, but it certainly helps during the picking phase, in my opinion.


                    helps in 3k


                      i think ppl should pick whatever the fuck they want, without others judging them.

                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                          ^ joke of the day

                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                              i don't think this is a good idea, simply because if you see a guy with horrible kda you'd loose hope before the game even started.

                              and thank you i'm the dankest one around here :^)


                                kda doesn't mean jack fucking shit


                                  kda is bullshit
                                  it reflects one's playstyle, not his skill. just open any hero top100 and check whether it correlates with winrate and divisiob (hint: the answer is "No").

                                  lm ao

                                    i feel so guilty. my thread is on the top of the list.

                                    Bad Intentions

                                      Man, just a simple kills deaths avg would be something nice to see in ranked pub games. A rough picture is still a rough picture to have something to base on.


                                        back to league of lel you fucking garbage

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          ^actually got that idea from HON :D

                                          plz do

                                            mb show instead how many games played w hero/winrate. would make it more worthwhile to play on a single account.

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              K/D means alot, mostly deaths, not everything, so fuck off, i KNOW, but it does mean something. There's people that have every hero below 2.0 K/D like 1.02 for everyone and shit, that has to mean something, means they're getting carried like crazy, especially if they have those low stats using mostly carrys, if they're supporting that's not as bad, but still.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                Say the last time I played carry X was a year ago, when I sucked at the game. Terrible KDA on hero. Have greatly improved since, in general and on the hero (but only in bot games). Would like to try playing hero X again but my official KDA is 0.5 because of bad first games. I'd be in a situation where people wouldn't let me try my hand at hero X and actually demonstrate I am better.

                                                So, I don't know.

                                                /trench problems

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  The Only guy i Know with an average kda less than 1.5 is on 173 Solo mmr and 1300 Party mmr and plays only 5 man Stack with 3k Party mmr


                                                    Good KDA = Good Winrate, if you know how to play the hero to the full potential

                                                    I mean check my Storm and Riki games


                                                      so why is my TB and TA kda so low?

                                                      was i somehow being carried every game from mid, perhaps, despite averaging 669 GPM on TA and 759 GPM on TB?

                                                      hell GPM would be more accurate than KDA for core heroes, apart from being able to be abused for flexible heroes with multiple possible roles

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        ^I think I'll trust a combo of KDA averages + win rate over GPM + win rate any day.


                                                          Hell fucking no

                                                          You can guess the MMR of a player much more accurately from his GPM than from his KDA

                                                          Win rate also doesn't mean jackshit even over large samples, I know legit 6k players with sub50 winrate because they started off bad and improved over the years

                                                          KDA simply reflects how little you die in your bracket while GPM (especially when weighted by winrate) shows how well you snowball/make use of space in general. One metric is significantly more reliant on your opponents being bad, the other far less (insofar as a 2k player will almost never exceed 600 GPM even against passive bots)

                                                          From your GPM I can see that you're securely in the 3k bracket, whereas I can't see jackshit from your KDA

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            ^nah never cared for GPM tbh

                                                            I value the game impact scores more. KDA avg and WR > GPM and WR for me personally.


                                                              The bottom line I'm telling you is that KDA doesn't reflect impact accurately by virtue of its components and how its calculated. GPM is a better metric of impact objectively.

                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                KDA doesn't say your impact score. That's hero and tower damage. You can be 2/1/5 and have the highest KDA (7.0 in that case), but still have one of the lowest impacts in the game.

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა