General Discussion

General DiscussionDahhhhhhhhck Seeyah

Dahhhhhhhhck Seeyah in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I've recently become interested in Dark Seer and would like some tips for how to play him better.


      you shoud ask kitrak, best ds i know

        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
        copiumtrader.eth #WAGMI #...

          Alright, I'll give you some tips. I assume you will be offlaning DS. Learning to lane DS , imo, is top priority.

          1) Do not draft offlane DS into direct hard counters if you can, he is not like a Clockwerk where you can soak exp and still be effective. He needs quite a bit of farm to be effective. Crystal maiden frostbite outright kills the creep you ion shell, disruptor can harass you from a safedistance and glimpse you back even if you surge away. Range carries that can kill the ion shelled creep fast are a pain in the ass early on(drow/morph/gyro) DS is a good pick vs melee carries and low magic burst dmg supports in early game. He is a teamfighting/split pushy hero that is quite a fast farmer. Good mek/arcanes/guardian greaves and pipe carrier.

          2) Bring atleast 1 or 2 clarities into lane, you will need a soul ring if you offlane, I prefer not to get bottle because dark seer is extremely mana intensive and the instant 150 from soul ring allows you to stay in lane and cast atleast one ion shell.

          3) Get a good block off if you can, I ward for vision from ganks from enemies rather than blocking the enemy pull camp. The lane will push anyways with ion shells on creeps, with the camp not blocked you can maybe steal stacks or enemy creep pulls using ion shell.

          4) If you want to be cheeky you can abuse ion shelled creeps in lane to try and get kills when enemies try to harass you out of lane. If they harass you within 500 aoe of your own creeps and stay within that radius within 2 seconds the creeps will aggro onto the enemy or enemies harassing you. Good for trying to get kills using double ion shell or zone them out of lane.

          5) Get a fucking stout shield

          6) It is imperative to get level 2 ion shell ASAP and not to die before this. Level 2 double ion shell makes a huge difference in being able to safely farm and do more dmg. This also means it is also imperative to the all (if you can) the last hits in the first two creep waves before they can burst you down quickly enough with higher level spells and damage. You want to control the lane and cause a support to stay commited to the lane. If the support leaves then the enemy carry should not be able to farm vs a double ion shell.

          If all things fall into place you should be:

          1) Outleveling the supports in the enemy safelane
          2) Causing them to use a shit ton of regen if they keep tanking ion shell creeps
          3) Making the carry having a hard time to farm
          4) Having someone commit top since the lane will be pushing and their tower will be taking alot of damage.
          5) Tetting atleast 2-3 cs per creep wave.

          Skill build:

          Max Ion shell first. I like getting 2 into surge so at level 6 you should have 3 shell 2 surge and 1 into wall. I like getting wall at 6 because it lasts 45 seconds now and doesnt cost a buttload of mana like it used to. It does a decent amount of damage, is a great zoning tool and gives a little bit of teamfight early on if you are fighting that early. At level 11 you should have 2 in wall 4 in shell 2 in surge and 3 into vacuum. Level 3 Vacuum is the big one for your vacuum wall combo.

          gl m8


            WOAH! THANKS FOR THIS, I APPRECIATE IT. I've spamming DS since a few days ago.

            Usually I outright harass the safelane carry, but I have a hard time taking the tower. Most of the time it gets denied even before I get the chance. Sometimes I ping liek a fucktard just for my senpais to notice the free t1 but to no avail. OwO

            Dark Seer games:

            I had about 3 more games but they weren't counted because dotka dc'd some players.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა