General Discussion

General Discussionwindranger

windranger in General Discussion

    in theory, she is the ultimate pub hero -

    1. independent; can get farm in any lane at all stages of the game
    2. mobility
    3. great split push and escape
    4. the ability to disable
    5. long-range nuke
    6. and best of all, can kill almost any carry in the late game with a good shackle and enough dmg items with focus fire (seen her kill late-game void in 2 seconds of her shackle)

    so why the global 48% win rate? what drags her down?

    Pom Pom 🍕

      shackles are hard to land for most people and her nuke is also a channeled skillshot. 48% doesn't sound too bad though considering she has two skillshots.


        shes pretty vulnerable to any sort of magic

        Miku Plays

          shes mostly played as support in lower tiers


            I personally have bad win-rate on her, coz my itemization sucked. Now I go Shadow Blade-Aghs-Deso & she feels much more powerful.


              my win rate on her sucks too, even tho i always win my lane as core wind. Sometimes i get too cocky and take unnecessary risks with her split-pushing bcuz of er wind run.

              i go OoV, null, phase, (sometimes force staff), aghs, skadi


                In lower tiers everyone goes for maelstrom which..... Just isn't optimal I haven't played her to much but the fact that she is squishy and has not one but 2 skills shots causes her win rate in low skilled games to drop thus lowering her overall win rate

                I tend to go aggs -> daedelius -> other things as the game progresses ...... Maybe a rapier if it's at the 1 hour mark..... Rapier wind ranger is scary


                  She is really good in lane vs Storm and QOP. You can harass them a lot and out cs them because they can't really manfight due to shackle and windrun; you can take the tower freely when storm goes to jungle or when qop rotates.

                  LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                    I love me some windranger games. :O~ Usually support or offlane.

                    -shes mostly played as support in lower tiers; Kind of stings. LMAO

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      I always have WR teammates who from what I can tell haven't even read the tool tip for shackleshot and have no clue how it works....


                        Can u legit play carry wR skipping blink?

                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                          anything shorter

                            Right now I've come to despise seeing Windranger on the enemy team as it means that she is going to get Aghs, Crits, Blink and then proceed to punish our team for moving by themselves whatsoever. Heaven's Halberd 110% required, but BKB...eugh. The patch suits her. A carry with good laning + midgame presence in much the same way that Gyro is.

                            LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                              Noted everything you hate about her and il start trying those agh rape on shackle builds. Hahahaha!


                                she's great. I often pick her as an easier pick-me-up win after a loss or two. mid.

                                null talisman -> bottle -> ring of aquila -> phase boots -> euls -> daedalus and aghs, order varies. she can own, at least in the potato/trench I'm in. went 13/0/10 on her a couple days ago. and that one was offlane

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  i dunno, it feels like its one of my strongest heroes, but... longrun 38% winrate.


                                    Road to 4k with her right now.


                                      I had poor winrate with her back when I'd play her as support. not saying she's a poor support, just maybe didn't fit the trench metas or whatnot as one.

                                      since I started mid or offlaning with her, 70%+ winrate. she's ridiculously strong as a farming hero in the trench/potato tier. the 48% global winrate to me is perplexing.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                      LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                                        Haha in my case, I can only play her as support or offlane since I practically shit myself whenever I try to play mid.

                                        Im close to 60% winrate in 175 games, she's whaddaya call it.. My main bitch D:!

                                        Someone give me tips on using her as midlane, I'm super desperate and curious. I totally have zero midlane skillz

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          To be honest, I always wanted to try her, but always chickened out due to her seeming so difficult to use properly. I decided screw it last night and went for it 4 games in a row mid:

                                          Game 1:

                                          Really bad early game for me, 0-4 against Skywrath mid, bad plays from me, but things turned out great.

                                          Game 2:

                                          Not much to say, really fun game. Not much trouble against storm mid.

                                          Game 3:

                                          Easy lane against Invoker, played rather silly in lane. Then things started spiraling due to overconfidence, and CK get out of hand. We also did not have much AoE to stop him (all very single target).

                                          Game 4:

                                          Despite dying in a VERY silly way top (which I still feel like a potato about) the game was really fun.

                                          So after last night's experiences, I would say she isn't even as hard as I thought she would be, and as long as you don't fall far behind, your pickoff potential is INSANE, and your damage is retardedly good.

                                          Now a few questions for any WR players, if I may hijack the thread :D.
                                          I feel when farming aghs I wish I had Shadow Blade to make pick offs, which should I go first? All 4 games I went aghs first.
                                          Also, should I fit in maelstorm somewhere? Before crits? Feels all so flexible :D


                                            Oh and I should add.. There is nothing better than the feeling of a blind, max range, killing powershot :D Kreygasm right there and then xD


                                              Honestly maelstrom is really really subpar

                                              You don't really need attack speed

                                              Maelstrom has a cool down every time it prove so most of the extra prices you think your getting are kinda wasted

                                              Never actually tried shadow blade first.....

                                              I think part of the problem with win rate is you can't really solo carry due to how squishy you tend to be....... You need a good carry to hide behind

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                Yes she is 100% not your hard carry. She is a very nice semi-carry damage dealer. That is why I think mid is the lane that best suits her. Then you try create space for your real carry. That, and melt down towers for space :D