General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    First of all cool name lol. Alright, u died quite a lot. Ags was a sexy pick. Standard items. Cudve probly hexed there? But overall, decent game impact.


      Did more HD than your 6 slotted sven, I found your build a tad weird but thats cause I do veil, blink, aghs, aether, octarine on veno.

      edit, I know I skipped as the next comment came as I was typing.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Bad Intentions

        Natural causes u skipped me! :[[[!


          I did fix it Bad Intentions



            totally stomped that lp match. i guess you made ns abandon eh? lool


              plays support,

              a bit inconsistent with stomps and later feeding.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              stupid fuck 2000

                Great performance, no deaths. Good build vs their team.

                The Unstoppable Phax Machine
                  კომენტარი წაიშალა

                    dat boi you're playing really well lately, almost smurf like. I tried to find something insightful to say, but your losses seemed like hard games where you still played well.


                      ^ good build I guess. Wish i ever play some good games with tinker. No doubt hes in the meta but still hard to play with.

                      Bad Intentions

                        Monster game impact. Albeit its normals, but good job nonetheless. Good es pickup as well. Made teh wk quit probly?


                          Well played for what you had to do - right click? veno. Interesting build, I rarely see a Veno player these days, much less a winning one.
                          Tough lineup to play against though. The other team counter-picked quite well. You really hod to outplay them to win.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Good job there helping your team winning those match. Considering you don't have a reliable stun except for Sven, you did good there. Too bad your Axe doesn't do much in that match, maybe because he died too quickly. Would be a much easier match for you.


                              You seemed to lack alot of damage on heroes as an ogre and you died the most in your team, maybe you were bursted down alot.

                              Your skill build of maxing fireblast I dont think is the best, you should try a 1-4-1-1 build as it does more damage early than fireblast till you get like 3x 4x multicasts.

                              I mean its an aoe 400 dmg total dot. I mean the stun is nice but the duration doesnt increase so the damage is better. Give it a try and I think you will like it


                                Well played looked like a very easy game. Don't get the enemy teams line up haha.


                                  wew, gj man. kda, farm, dmg are all amazing
                                  looks like a stomp
                                  only thing that i can mention is put some early lvl points on stat.


                                    Nice job there as a team. Dealing with Tinker this patch is definitely not a fun experience.
                                    If i must say, how about building Aether Lens next time ? It's quite good for a support style Abaddon

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      Well there's nothing you can do about a 4 core + 1 supp line up. But I do commend you for your support choice and ghost scepter pick up. Probably another support wouldve been a better choice? I'd say a phoenix

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        You played a clean game, only one death on what I assume is a mid ember. Their beastmaster has almost nothing and their phoenix was so far behind. Your team played much better and you walked away with an easy win.


                                          Long game with lot of kills. Meepo do his/her job very well. Seems like intense match, i like it :)

                                          Илија Маскович

                                            Levaredged Huskar's lane dominance into raping enemy heroes in the early game 8/8


                                              Nice long game u definitely carry them with huskar. But die too much.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                That's a weird game. The graphic looks very uneven for you but all of the enemy buildings destroyed ?
                                                Might be because of the abandon ... but welp, it's still a win i guess


                                                  Lowest hero dmg No tower dmg guess You got carried.


                                                    @Eddy Grant

                                                    Of course i got carried as a pos 4. Want to try the new meta of support Riki and it worked out nicely. That AM can't do anything in lane. I don't deal tower damage because i always want to keep my invisibility so the enemy never knew where am i. It's really fun.


                                                    Anyway, back to your match. You perform really bad there with the highest death on the match. Getting ganked every time i assume.
                                                    You should have played safer back there. Buy your own ward and sentry if you have to. You even have AM man, should have stall the match until he's ready. Based on the statistic he's doing quite well there, but it's too hard for him to lift you up

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      Only 3 deaths as an Ogre Magi, which isn't totally surprising seeing as he is the tankiest support.
                                                      Stat's don't tell me a whole lot, but it looks like you did a pretty good job supporting your team. The map must have been well warded at all times to win against that NP and Clinkz.

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        good timber game, solid hd, game impact. you bullied the enemy and dats gud :] need to have dem balls to play timber. overall good job.


                                                          Obviously benao is not playing your pa. Three heroes on your team have more gold than their alchemist and the rest of their team has like one big item each. It looks to me like you just pushed all of the lanes and gave them no where to farm. in the end an easy win. also veno seems a wierd hero to spam, but i wont tell you what to do.

                                                          FYI for the next person, my pa game was already commented on.

                                                          Swap Commends

                                                            Noob PA who got carried by team.U will never climb MMR.

                                                            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                              ^ feget


                                                                @ Clegane I couldn't do anything in the late game because all three of their right clicking cores have mkbs. At least I had the game sense to realize that bkb was useless. plus going 10-10-17 it isn't like I was doing nothing and my team won 4v5, I did plenty in the earlier stages of the game. I just couldn't dominate the game against blademail and mkb.

                                                                FOR THE NEXT PERSON JUST SKIP ME MY LAST GAME HAS BEEN COMMENTED ON TWICE


                                                                  Nasty necrophos game
                                                                  Gud items. Had gold advantage used it well
                                                                  I dont like maxing death pulse first but its ok.


                                                                    ^Ghost scepter would be nice for you here

                                                                    You can really work on your farming efficiency

                                                                    You should probably just get lvl 1 timber chain so you have an escape

                                                                    Johnny Rico

                                                                      Nice items on the doom m8, espeacially when jungling and on a 30 minute game.
                                                                      You could have helped the slardar a bit, poor guy didnt have anithing, rubick had more gold than him,
                                                                      but you kunkka and sven got the game in da bag
                                                                      Nice stomp, every time i see the void+radiance i get trigered,probably didnt do shit for his team.

                                                                      Ps last game meppo randomed after i picked lich.

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                                                        The meepo explains why you did so much damage as lich. Poor guy. :D


                                                                          You and storm pretty much carried the game. Wp


                                                                            The Techies and WD must be retarded . You did well on your Axe to own them .


                                                                              Great splitpushing build with necro lycan and execution with 8k TD. Too bad the game ended prematurely, looked like a close one


                                                                                Basically Spectre got farmed + great supporting line up = WIN


                                                                                  wuuuh good winrate on meepo (sht u godam gud)
                                                                                  consistent kda, gj buddy


                                                                                    smurf acc? looks like a good tinker player for me, wp!

                                                                                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                      Looks like you did a pretty fine job a Magnus in terms of winning teamfights and supporting your team. I am wondeirng what lane you went though..


                                                                                        mostly mid and offlane.
                                                                                        wow u have 53.21% winrate atm in ranked games and 59% wr on viper,its above average i can tell u...wp and keep it up mate!

                                                                                        KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                          I had 65% wr on Viper at one point but a lot of time my team cannot end fast enough so we lose to their quad carry team or something stupid like that. Anyways thx m8.



                                                                                            Looks like it would have been a bit closer if everyone on that invokers team wouldnt have fed all game

                                                                                            Your team fight looks scary. Not bad for a match that ended 27 days ago

                                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                            Swap Commends

                                                                                              Bad item choice,both u and invoker.U both needed bkb.U had a plan wd and injoker which didn't work.
                                                                                              I also guess u guys threw the game and let luna farm.


                                                                                                Yeah, we were stomping them early. After i got bullied tough in lane by silencer.

                                                                                                Wd kept putting his death ward in the chrono and silencer built orchid and focused me every fight.

                                                                                                I was in the process of building bkb when we lost. Just didnt come early enough. I guess i should have prioritized my utility before kill potential that game


                                                                                                  Pretty straight forward Necro match. I like the euls pickup but nothing much else to be said


                                                                                                    in SEA region 58% wr over 800+ matches and in EU west region 52% wr over 300+ matches, was the skill cap between players across both regions that far?
                                                                                                    overall very nice wrate of 56%...wp!