General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
lm ao

    Luna was outperforming you on almost every aspect. But you did great. Cheers.

    lm ao

      Oh nice, page 29.

      Who actually cares.

        კომენტარი წაიშალა

          Bad with LC

          KGBlue Lives Matter

            Nice job with lesh as while your KD doesn't show it you and void where definitely the ones who really did the work on your team bravo especially vs that farmed AM.


              Wait, WTF ??? U won that match ?? 24 kill as venom is insane D:
              Is that even a real match ??

              PS : The next person who comment me, please spare me .... that was like the WORST MATCH in my entire dota play ....

              KGBlue Lives Matter

                My guess is that your team probably fed and as maiden when the enemy team gets fed their is nothing you can even do. Dont worry buddy its not your fault.


                  Funny how only 2 heroes beat 5 enemy heroes with items.

                  Player 124137522

                    OSFrog Blue Space Pony 6.85 OSFrog
                    OSFrog Blue Space Pony 6.85 OSFrog
                    OSFrog Blue Space Pony 6.85 OSFrog
                    OSFrog Blue Space Pony 6.85 OSFrog


                      lol wth are u even talking about ^
                      Also I cringe at lifestealer games.. I hate the hero so much..
                      Decent last hits but kda on everyone is just so low. Outpicked so hard :p

                      Player 124137522

                        our safelane carry aka phantom assassin, just got rekt hard and I was muted, so I can't communicate shit to my clueless team. Normal skill bracket games are pretty bad, I don't recommend anyone playing them even though I still play them lol.

                        Anyway, great crystal maiden game, great game impact. Your support game was strong, probably pulled the game back towards your favour during that match seeing that exp chart go up and down. I usually max out my W first on crystal maiden but idk. Good job and well played! :D


                          In terms of last hits you were top of the charts. Seems like you guys snowballed pretty hard. Probably would have been a harder game but you seem to have shut down Zeus pretty hard. And Skadi enchantress is baller as fuck.


                            u played the most imba hero atm and won


                              Your plan to play support and place wards everywhere didnt worked. Smurfing is hard :(


                                ^ Were you offlane? Feels like for a 45 min game everyone is managing only 4 cs a min. Your WR is about 2+ cs a min which is sorta low.
                                Could be a very active, heavy fight games tho. At least, your denies are more than what the enemy has combined. Enemy lineup was pretty greedy too huh just noticed no actual supports.


                                  Nice Legion game! looks like you carried the team pretty hard with your snowballing. Also gave a rapier to CM how nice of you. Fairly high GPM and HD

                                  can you guys suck my dick about my gpm

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                    Wow. That alche. Superb GPM and XPM. Nice KDA bro.


                                      Sub par TA, u still win tho


                                        You guys looked pretty even for about half the game..but in the end looks like weaver and lycan kinda ran away with the game.

                                        Also, I find it amusing that Huskar bought silver edge


                                          To be fair to the huskar, he's one of the best players I've ever played with.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            AM carried the team


                                              Lich is love, lich is life.

                                              Also, you can consider getting mobility items against all those heroes you were faced with. It'll be easier to juke and get into a nicer position. Seems like you were caught out quite a bit.

                                              (Also rofl at your enemies' item builds, and vanguard tiny lol)

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                My fellow lich I am just learning the game... I see you have built quite a few disablers on lich which I should also follow I think... But my fingers are yet to be swift to activate all those on time so I am looking at doing the basics right at the moment...

                                                From ur item build I am wiser... Thanks :)


                                                  You're still getting into the game, I'd suggest you find your type of hero 'carry', 'support' and start playing a more select pool of heros. Carry is normally good for getting wins by yourself, otherwise keep up the farm and keep map awareness!


                                                    ez huskar game stomp

                                                    Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                                                      easy stomp, guess rubick just feeded intentional and ez win


                                                        You tried your hardest I guess. That ES of yours could've done so much more with a blink. Seems that you guys threw big time though. Remember to take objectives when you have the advantage.


                                                          Had a nice game on Lich, bought gem for the team and was very farmed. Died most on the team but i assume space was created


                                                            could have done more tower damage with SS


                                                              Great job with pudge mid (im guessing). Could have had more last hits but that's the thing with a roaming pudge, less last hits, more hero kills.

                                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                  I feel like your lineup was very strange, but I've seen support chaos knight before and it can be painful.

                                                                  However looks like LC and Luna kinda ran away with this one


                                                                    stampede i guess. you all had nice kda and everything in ur team.
                                                                    You only had to suppress that LC


                                                                      great tower damage


                                                                        almost no deaths, good job.
                                                                        focuses on tower damage a lot!

                                                                        Aephie ☆

                                                                          Decent farm for a support, good kda too

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            Nice MMR game on SF, nice LH and KDA.

                                                                            Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                                              Average Sniper game. You can improve more. Good luck!


                                                                                Good templar game, should have another deaulas to replace snag and yasha


                                                                                  Have you tried maxing thirst first? 1 value point in rite seems better.

                                                                                  Polish Hussar

                                                                                    Can someone give me insight to why I lost my last game?


                                                                                      ES, Necro, Alchem are good HG defender. Your team lack pushing items (i.e. Guardian, pipe, AC etc).

                                                                                      BKB plus linken might be a better option than skadi plus 1 more bfury, just so that you can BKB and chip the tower slowly (linken to block necro ult, which is the only stun that pierce through BKB).

                                                                                      Or you should go all in with a divine rapier rather than a skadi.


                                                                                        Obvious bara overpick = ez win


                                                                                          Had a nice game on SK, i think the new Caustic Finale is worth trying out so i'm gonna say try leveling that earlier next time~


                                                                                            kruger is kinky


                                                                                              you fed the enemy team quite hard with your deaths, you could have played it safe without dying ghost scepter wasnt a good choice as there was zeus and necro.
                                                                                              Weaver carried you

                                                                                              Player 124137522

                                                                                                Pudge stomp. GG.

                                                                                                Australian servers are fucked in the head. Most of them are literal hypocrites who don't know what theyre talking about. False accusations and shit. My last game was literally so stupid. I was muted so I couldn't communicate to the dogshit team, but literally gave me a heart attack. Mid tinker doesn't gank or counter gank, while the emeber spirit is going ham on both bottom and top, and then accuses me the safelane carry of not being there when he's getting asswiped. I had to go and gank mid and bottom before the 10 minute mark because these idiots didn't know how to play. Lost it at the end when they were a party stack. So bad lmfao. What can you even do in these situations, need advice.

                                                                                                The tinker was so bad, promising that he will win and shit, no wonder the Australian dota scene is screwed, since we have these shitstains playing the game.

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                  Australia, land of alot of noobs.


                                                                                                    ONE WITH THE SPHERE
                                                                                                    ONE WITH THE BOX


                                                                                                      roflstomped a normal skill game I guess haha

                                                                                                      Good job on farm and making space in general.