General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you even play meepo

How do you even play meepo in General Discussion

    I have been trying to play meepo for a while and it's just not working, Currently sitting at 7.14% winrate. Any meepo players tell me how do you even keep focus on 5 seperate heroes at the same time? As soon as I hit over 3 meepos everything turns into a clusterfuck.



      Use control groups. when you have 5 meepos just roam with 1 and farm with 2,3 and 4,5 in groups of two.
      If you find this difficult you can just farm with 2,3,4,5 and roam with 1.
      With 3 meepos you can farm with 2,3 and roam with 1, you don't need to control each one of them.
      Use shift queue to farm jungle and just practice and watch player perspective replays


        it is rather familiar if you used to play wc3/sc, which is common for old dota players


          I mean you are basically asking on how to micro.
          There are no shortcuts. You play/practice and get better, as simple as that.


            you don't even need great micro to play a decent meepo


              ^ he is right you really don't.

              i just smash my face on keyboard during teamfight and i get kills. it's about farm efficiency and participating in the right fights.

              Hotel? trivago

                you just need to do everything with your main meepo and focus mostly on him while your clones are farming on lane or jungle for a start. see map often and when your meepos are getting attacked either select all meepos including your main and poof to kill or poof to safe :v


                  Meepo is very strong even if you can't micro him. Just farm with clones and learn how to do the poof-blink combo and you're set. I guess the rest will come as you play more of him.


                    whilst we are talking meepo, does anyone try lothars on him?

                    blink substitute early/mid game and cheesy backdooring potential if you are under siege and can't push out lanes.

                    its the latter i'm most cheesed about - 2xLvl 2 diffusal + aghs + shadow blade and you can bring any tower down in 5secs regardless of backdoor protection.

                    also slot efficient as you've got silver edge to upgrade to now as well.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      dont even take ur ult stats>ult
                      ult is late game to lvl up because ur clowns will feed if you have no stats


                        I saw lizzard more lothar games on his smurf, and i can't find it atm
                        Lothar on Meepo, but he didn't use it for backdooring
                        Eblades give more stats than Diffusal
                        if you want to do this backdoor shit, build is 3xEblades and just blink + travels + smoke imo
                        but it's bad, don't do it

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          The thing most people underestimate is attackmove.
                          In general the other team will focus 1 meepo.
                          All you need to do is micro that one away, and the others will clean house.
                          Anything else you are having problems with is pure mechanical and can even be practised in bot matches.