General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is competing in the TI qualifiers?

Who is competing in the TI qualifiers? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Would be fun to know maybe someone representing DB forums :D

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
      Low Expectations

        Can you keep this thread updated, like how you guys are doing/ who you are playing maybe endscore? Would be fun to follow


          I might as well, assuming I can find atleast a 4.8+ support before the day ends lol.


            Well we had a team in EU, ranging from 1k -5k mmr lol
            Thing is the one guy registered too late and EU got full,

            So we decided to join US server, and all of our pings are super super high but we are just doing it to be a part of it xD

            Our Highest mmr left and now our team average is below 3k mmr, so high pings and low mmr, we will be happy with a win!


              i should be trying

              my mmr is the second lowest on my team rofl

              Low Expectations

                ^Zenoth arent you like 5,5k or something?


                  im 5.7k now

                  the friends i'm playing with are 6.2/6.3/5.7/5


                    ^wow zenoth

                    Your team actually has a decent chance then
                    Keep us updated game by game?? It would be cool to follow


                      ^ Rofl kiddo, you think if they got high MMR that means they have high chances? The MMR doesn't mean jack shit when you get into competitive level, they will get destroyed by any team who played together for months and coordination.
                      Either way gl Zenoth.


                        ^ what he said

                        at the competitive level individual skill actually has far less impact than drafting ability and the shot-calling/ability to play the draft well

                        plz do

                          we may hate each other in this forum, but should stand together outside of this forum and support db players, who give it a shot.
                          gl hf zenoth #unite.dbuffs (#nowdontbegay)


                            ^ I don't hate Zenoth, I was just trying to explain the other guy it's not as easy as he thinks.

                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                              plz do

                                ^^ good for u guys - that ur loverhomies.
                                It was also meant in general.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  its what kumbo says!

                                  but if they got a good draft/captain the individual skill will show a lot so imo you guys got a good chance.

                                  Low Expectations

                                    I would actually laugh so hard if zenoth gets destroyed by a 4k stack :D, but keep us up to date on this thread. Benao are u competing?

                                    Low Expectations

                                      ^^If u need a player I can control the currier


                                        Rofl Deadshot, you made my day xD Anyway, gl from me too boys :)


                                          @kumboaman i would not be surprised if a high skilled mix/stack had a good showing in SEA/NA qualifiers
                                          china to a lesser extent since i think it's a lock for HGT


                                            bye for first round followed by 2-0

                                            waiting for last game currently

                                            so far we ended all our games in 30 minutes or less, spent more time waiting than playing

                                            second game was a 5k stack already

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            Guess whos back

                                              Zenoth, you and Maki are on the same team right? Either way GL man!

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                When will the qualifiers start? I want to watch :D


                                                  glhf zenoth!


                                                    Zenoth is there a link to SEA tournament that we can follow your path?


                                                      I also competed in the TI qualifiers for fun with my friend, dono about tommorow games


                                                        Idk, 3-0 day 1 and its over for today

                                                        We fought a stack with members I know from solo q, ~5.7k solo or something

                                                        Gl to those from other servers

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          well rekt m8, gl next year i guess :P


                                                            they are still in its just end of the day's games




                                                                wp zenoth now tell us what role are you playing? and what heroes did you play, --> not your strat just your own hero


                                                                  in case there are some sea lurkers trying to outdraft you guys


                                                                    I play pos 1 most of the time

                                                                    NextStep ®

                                                                      Gratz for your day 1.
                                                                      Is there any site for the SEA qualifiers?

                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          Hans Krebs


                                                                            vrok made it out alive! his team is "pl", gonna play against "E-LAB" tomorrow


                                                                              swiftending also got through --> team "PUB", awaiting for opponents for tomorrow


                                                                                lol ddsama also playing --> team "GOZ", they have to win 1 more game


                                                                                  nice benao thanks for updates

                                                                                  gl to others


                                                                                    Gl all! Would be nice to see who would make it through


                                                                                      you guys are all trying so hard but everybody knows blunt will win this shit.

                                                                                      Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                                        I am competing :P


                                                                                          ddsama got RECT


                                                                                            So I see Zenoths team is in round of 16
                                                                                            That is really well done already


                                                                                              lost ):

                                                                                              only top 16


                                                                                                ah im sry bro :(


                                                                                                  baka about 24 hours ago
                                                                                                  well rekt m8, gl next year i guess :P