General Discussion

General Discussionan mmr expirement on how awful is eu east

an mmr expirement on how awful is eu east in General Discussion
the east wind

    i calibrated an account at 4.6k and spamming slark offlane every game. lets see how long will it take to get 6k on this retarded server.


      You are awful. Slark offlane is shit.


        slark offlane fits a certain line-up, definetely not an insta-picking material though


          how does the delay in getting 6k correlate with how bad this server is?

          the east wind

            i dont know its shit or not but it wins more than %50 of the games so my mmr increasing anyway


              I guess it depends more on your performance and skill than the server you are using. F.e. if you are 6k on ur main and calibrate ur smurf at 3900, you obviously gonna win most of your games there, whatever the server is. You need to play on different servers to see the difference.

              the east wind

                i guess you are right. my mains peak was 6250 and i sold it at 6150 but players on eu east are horrible too.


                  privet my turkish friend


                    they are. eu.east is boosters land.


                      Op, are you the turkish guy who used to have the highest winrate back in the days?


                        if you are talking about klasynky, im not sure he is posting on dotabuff.


                          It's a really long time ago, when the cap was 200 games (dotabuff winrate). I remember the guy posting on dotabuff and having some arguments with wave and some other members

                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                            What region did you play before OP?

                            the east wind

                              yeah man that was me, but i wasnt arguing with wave actually i was stacking with him


                                eu east is really weak
                                it's the us west of europe
                                i played there for a while about a year ago but stopped because the ping was too high for me

                                the east wind

                                  i was playing eu west before and reached 6250 but games were really hard and i got bored. after that i sold my acc and played league for 2 months :D now im back to dota but i cant play as good as before.


                                    love it if someone did an mmr experiement on sea, lets see how long it takes for someone to give up on pinoy doto :)(


                                      ^ is it true that there are kids leaving after 30 minutes because their internet café won't let them play longer?


                                        happened a few games with me, lotso pinoys when you pause go zzz tang ina f9 me leave 1 hour, it doesn't happen that much but once every 50 games it does

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          Guy isn't even solo queing.....


                                            the slark rank games are solo


                                              Gule gule git canim.

                                              Look at me, Hector.

                                                murs is so wrong, russia/eu east is the us east

                                                low priority + russia would be the equivalent of us west


                                                  us east can be good during prime time 4PM-8PM EST
                                                  the rest of the time its retard zone though
                                                  tbh every server during non-primetime is retard city

                                                  Look at me, Hector.

                                                    ive lost count on how many times i played us east to find out supports have more hero damage than core players or the only player (me) is the one fighting while everyone else is competing in creep scores

                                                    only good thing about us east/west is the fact you can snipe each other or stomp enemy 4ks mid in the morning/night for easy 7k

                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        EU East tabii boktan amk Türk kaynıyo her taraf.


                                                          ^ türkler ve ruslar, zehirli kombo


                                                            say what u want about us west but i've played on eu west and us east a lot and the 6ks 7ks on eu west are much easier to beat than the 6ks 7ks on us east

                                                            except devilish

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                            Look at me, Hector.

                                                              snipe me at 3 am CEST and we will see if its easier to beat on eu west tonight


                                                                go que eu 5 hours earlier or play on use at that time and sure

                                                                Look at me, Hector.

                                                                  why 5 hours earlier


                                                                    cuz everyone half decent will be asleep then.... unless u just want to see whos the better pub crusher?

                                                                    Look at me, Hector.

                                                                      3 am eu west have better players and higher mmr average teams than us east

                                                                      the east wind

                                                                        from 4.6 to 4.920 now in 3 days.

                                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                          Not saying what your doing isn't impressive on a level.

                                                                          But is slark really the hero to be impressed with using for this?

                                                                          the east wind

                                                                            well i first pick slark on all my games i give them a chance to counter pick. thats their problem not mine.


                                                                              slark offlane is the biggest joke ever ill check back when u are 5.7+

                                                                              CAN'T WIN

                                                                                Yeah, the joke is getting 78% wr.



                                                                                  at that mmr you could go dagon on almost every hero and win 78% of games i will only be impressed if he could maintain a 78% when he is closer to his actual mmr

                                                                                  the east wind

                                                                                    after 5k my winrate will be %60 i think and after 5.5k it will be %55 but even %52 winrate is good on solo ranked games. im not claiming that im a dota god im just testing spamming my best hero on a bad server.


                                                                                      that reply was meant to go @russiansgoto who justified that it isn't a joke by saying you have a 78% wr on it. who knows it could be viable but i think its a joke and only because someone who is 1.5k below their main has a 78% wr does not prove it isn't, which is completely irrelevant to you or your thread

                                                                                      now for something relevant
                                                                                      you need to do this exact experiment on EU west and see how long it takes you to get to 6k measured in WR then compare it to this server


                                                                                        @OP which one of your slark games is a good replay to watch if i want to learn the hero ?

                                                                                        the east wind


                                                                                          watch this one playing vs a trilane but they were awful


                                                                                            you gave this guy a win, lmao

                                                                                            the east wind

                                                                                              added to dodge list tho :D

                                                                                              the east wind

                                                                                                came from 4.650 to 5k in 14 games without losing


                                                                                                  do you have any advices you could give to us?

                                                                                                  or interesting replays where you could show how to abuse enemies' mistakes and feed on them?

                                                                                                  plz do

                                                                                                    yeah, ur awesome. pls twitch channel asap.

                                                                                                    the east wind

                                                                                                      i can give you one advice never flame your team.


                                                                                                      look at this void. he got 400 gpm as an easy lane farmer, missed all fights in the game, chronoes teammates but i never flamed him because it could be even worse. everyone plays awful on 5k mmr but you can carry them if they are on good mood.