General Discussion

General Discussiontemplar assassin

templar assassin in General Discussion

    i think its impossible to win as ta or maybe my ta is just complete shit


      I played a game of ta yesterday and it was stupidly easy

      Look at me, Hector.

        learn from the best

        99% of my games were played from 3 am to 9 am and im in some hidden mmr bracket where i get 1 gameruiner every game and u can see how enemy team got crushed by me, keep in mind this was during the deathball meta

        i think this one is in the dotabank archive if you want to watch it


          TA at lower levels is basically making sure you land your meld strikes.

          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

            ta=shit hero, whoever plays it=fag

            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

              and please dont;'t ake that personally, ffs, give me a fucking break


                so wave is back 4real now? or just this week?
                edit: missed my swedish vän

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Hello boys,

                  World's worst TA here, checking in. My ability to lose with TA is rivaled only by the average Dotabuff poster's ability to absolve themselves of all blame for their losses.



                    Watch singsing play TA. Not only is he an excellent player, his videos are quite amusing.


                      I think OP should watch waga's TA guides, its not just the normal "make these items, go this lane, win." he actually explains how to win to lane with her and when/where you should go stack, how to position your self when farming so that you will psi the whole wave/camp, how much farm you need before you actually start joining fights, when you should blink in to fights, who you should go on when blinking in.

                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                          ez, start by having no idea how Psi Blades actually work. Read the skill five or six times, watch other players using it, and still miss most of the hits you line up. Then, turn on Refraction offensively when you need to use it defensively, and not at all when you need to use it offensively. Follow-up with fumbling your hotkeys for trap triggers. Sprinkle on an unusually below-average set of allies every time you play the hero and you're set.


                            my ta was shit 4 months ago, never give up :)


                              #female player

                              can i have your dota i.d?
                              if you dont mind? :D

                              Look at me, Hector.

                                i dont add ppl much, i cleared my flist 4 days ago and got rid of 30 ppl