General Discussion

General Discussionbots in 6.84

bots in 6.84 in General Discussion

    Is it possible to make some script to teach bots how to use new items?

    Or maybe anybody knows if Valve working on it to fix soon?


      I wait untill after 20-30 min to get boots nowdays.


        ^ What?

        I talk about bots - computer controlled heroes.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა


          Well boots are more interesting. Lets talk about that instead.
          Which ones do you prefer?


            Omg, stop Drugs CC1...


            Yeah, valve working on it, there is no script to use that



              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                erm, I'm not too clued up about it cos I rarely play with bots... but a guy moded some npc_heroes.txt file to fix bot interactions and make em less shit... dunno if that could be used to change when/how bots use certain items... but it's a starting poing.


                  By modding npc_heroes.txt you can change which items bots will buy and their preferred position (mid, carry or support). I already did that. It really makes bots less shit, but still can't fix their interactions or teach them how to use new items.


                    the shame about bot, is that they were actually pretty strong during the early beta (before ti1)

                    easy bot were mb even stronger than current insane bot.


                      ^ wait, they have bots programed that aren't retarded and yet u cant play against them. I get why they would make the easy bots easy, but why make the unfair bots easy if they have better AI written already?


                        ^ Insane bots simply mean your bots have a chance to perform worse than the enemy bots.


                          AI is the same, unfair bots just get 25% more gold and XP. This is why they called "unfair". =)


                            Heh, I assumed the wiki wouldn't lie to me