General Discussion

General Discussionluna pls help

luna pls help in General Discussion
IO's Balls

    so i just got that dope golden thing for her and like how do i play her.... i die 2 much and sux with her sumone pls help me so i look cool with my dope sun strikes from luna

    casual gamer

      get treads

      get dominator

      stack ancients

      buy bkb



        Look up videos?i think purge did a Luna one recently


          Get aquila, get threads, get lifesteal, get yasha, get HotD, maybe bkb, get skadi, get manta.
          Kill people, go to their base, kill everything at the same time


            Just get a 5 manning team and make sure your support protects you


              dude, wtf lasthit more. you could have up to 200 cs at 30min with luna, instead you have like 80.
              alternatively give the shield to me.


                I smell shameless advertising as you don't/haven't played Luna recently.


                  u willing to trade the shield?