General Discussion

General Discussionphantom lancer

phantom lancer in General Discussion

    how the hell do i play him
    no matter what i do i feel like i deal 0 damage and die in two hits from anyone


      i think you were supposed to win that early
      you only have 2 sources of dmg = enchantress + pl, while they had 5 heroes who scale well into late game


        maybe your magnus didn't manage to RP gyro once :(


          You have zero damage items and think you should deal damage? Bfly isn't only for evasion, you know.

          Also, new PL is much more about dealing the damage himself, than relying on his clones to do it for him, compared to the old one

          casual gamer

            aquila bottle yasha travels manta diffusal skadi

            your hero farms really fast and is a pretty hard carry


              ive been playing radiant PL with bottle boots diffusal travels heart; games have been incredibly easy ever since i went that build.
              i think diffusal farms just as fast, or at worst slightly slower than yasha: you kill satyr camps and hard camps much faster, and u get to threaten solo kills on anyone who comes to your lane.

                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                  QB got buffed for farming on illu heroes, since illus can't use raw damage anyway. at the latest you should get it before you start going diffusal cos the farm speed it gives more than pays for itself (i.e. qb > diff is faster than straight diff)

                  get stats lv 8-10, it's like getting stats AM, you have 2 value point abilities and 1 ability that is useful maxed, your str gain sucks, and you want to farm faster. more into doppel is only useful if you're able to dodge more stuff cos of the lower cooldown, if you don't get to benefit from the lower cd then just get stats. stats are guaranteed to be beneficial, more into doppel not necessarily so if you're always getting stunlocked from 100-0 for example, or if you're just not participating in fights early anyway.

                  stats will increase your farm speed, which means increased levels, so that you can start getting points into doppel sooner. getting stats at 8-10 and doppel at 12-14 is gonna be quicker than vice-versa.

                  in your most recent game you probably just let the game go too long and died too much. if you have weaker late game you have less room for error because essentially you have to farm even faster to make up for your teammate's who lack late game potential. octo is questionable on magnus and I bet he lost so much gold trying to build it when he could have had a bkb as well as another item.

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                      "uhm maxing dopple is really really good"
                      John F. Kennedy, 1961

                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                          yeah, you die with that skill build

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            Maxed doppel is really really good, but you have to max it too then. It sucks how PL's skills scale so badly other than lance. They're really good when maxed, but the middle points are pretty meh.


                              Thanks for your advices.

                              It feels pretty humiliating getting wrecked by 5 carry team.


                                Except you weren't up against 5 carries. You were up against 1 hard carry(gyro), 2 weak cores(luna/wr), and 2 supports(wk/alch). Just because a hero has the potential to carry, doesn't mean they will be played as a carry.

                                casual gamer

                                  but maxing dopple makes you more likely to dodge assassinate