General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did we win this game??

Why did we win this game?? in General Discussion


    They have advantages. They kills more. They have hard carries, namely AM and sniper. We have techie. I(Lina) don't know what to do so I just run and farm jungle when I can. NVM is good, but I think our enemies lead us all the time. Then suddenly we take mid, then we take btm and top, then we win... I don't even know why we win, so if any of you can explain to me it may help me learn a lot.
    May be after understanding why we win this game I can apply it to other hard games too.
    Thank you so much.


      you got carried pretty hard by sf, bristle with auras and techies defence.
      you did nothing.

      glad to help!


        Thank you!!!!!!!!


          i think it has to do with the enemy am being retarded

          Hide The Pain - Herald

            they have hard carries... you have medusa and sf


              medusa is fucking retard, really. I'm retard 1 then medusa retard 10. everyone else is better.