General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrible Storm player asking for advice

Terrible Storm player asking for advice in General Discussion

    Im a 4k player who really likes playing storm. The problem ist that i am terrible at it. I always fall behind in farm when the mid game comes and i have a really hard time finding pick offs pre orchid, just cause most heroes just stun you and run away in the early game once your vortex ends.

    I got a couple of questions:
    > Generally speaking, do you max vortex or overload first?
    > is spending all my mana worth getting a kill on 5 position support in the early game?
    > do i finish treads first if i go for orchid?
    > how do i deal with god damn lion pre orchid?
    > Any tips for farming?


      >you hve to be kiddin me, you get overload ofc, after every 1 milimeter zip zap you get extra 80( or how much is it) magic damage from your autoattack. imba
      >not really, because same mana spent on stacks will give you 2x or even more gold.
      >i think soul ring is a good item to get first, just to have extra mana for escape or for a close kill, then pt and then orchid.
      >you just have to kill him with teammates, or snipe him in vortex when he is low.
      >ask for teammates to stack woods, or push the lane with remnant and stack it yourself.

      source: i am 4400 atm but have been 4900 and played some 5k games, and i've seen good storms.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        >Despite what dotabuff says, max overload. With vortex first, you will do like 0 damage, and your laning will suck. I think it's viable only in games where your team desperately needs disables and can kill stuff with you when you gank and use that vortex
        >no, except if you have regen rune. check out sumail, he's abusing regen runes really well
        >i usually go brown boots then orchid if everything goes well
        >abuse turnrate, most people will hardly react if you jump out of fucking nowhere and you should be able to nuke him down in one combo
        >jungle is so damn good for storm, especially when stacked, you can farm even enemy jungle and make the enemy team constantly shit their pants when you're missing on the map


          previous people gave u really good advice. If u need further checkout blitz on youtube or twitch, he has tutorials about even how to mid against qop, lina, etc.


            I think you just gotta learn to farm/stack Jungle, keep yourself at a position available to kill. Let's say you're waiting to gank enemy Carry, farm their Jungle for a little while your teammates get ready. Vise versa if you're ganking enemy offlane.