General Discussion

General DiscussionEU and Russia Servers for MMR grinding

EU and Russia Servers for MMR grinding in General Discussion


    Which Server in EU or Russia should be most easy to grind MMR on? Between 4k and 5k.

    I always play on EU West since I think people are more rude on EU East.


      lol rising your mmr by playing against scrubs


        east is easier than west.

        Giff me Wingman

          you are 3k. Why would you care where it's easy to grind as a 4k - 5k player?


            Probably not even, this is his 7th-8th smurf and one of the only two where he managed to get VHS for like 10 games then drop back down. My guess is his main sits at about 2.6 due to the nature of the garbage builds and his lack of impact in even 3k games makes me think that bracket is beyond his reach even.

  're already a decent player Russia and east are easier because of the larger disparity in rating ranges. I find people on EU east much less toxic than EU west, and even the Russian server is pretty well mannered in comparison to EU West. If you're any good I would think you could grind rating anywhere.


              East is easier BUT you can get a lot more useless assholes and it's lotery practically. But OP, i wouldnt bother about servers, since they're your last problem :D


                Dani did you abandon your main account?

                Giff me Wingman

                  if you play as a 5k player on russia you usually get decent mates and get reported if you refuse to cooperate. Much better than EU West and east.

                  Natural born jungler

                    Never Play with a double edge sword ..


                      no 5k stacks in russia


                        Since this Dadger person dont seem to understand the forum guidelines I repost them here so he get a fair chance to learn them again.


                        - Harassment is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. We want to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.


                          Btw I dropped on this account since I played without sleeping during the night. My new smurf is higher then this one so idc.


                            keep up the good work!


                              Lura Cc1
                              Your problem is not wrong server, but mentality and attitude issues. The less you focus on arguing-blaming other people, the more you will achieve.


                                I dont blame. I am stating statistical facts. Stacks make my lose the games.

                                And i dont argue in-game. I either mute them or tell them how clueless they are.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  @Havoc - i didn't abandon it completely, i just use it sometimes to play with irl low mmr friends. This is my main now.