General Discussion

General DiscussionSo yeah invoker is offially the best hero in the game.

So yeah invoker is offially the best hero in the game. in General Discussion

    passive 25% lifesteal on spells :S
    25% CD reduction on spells :S (invoke 1.5) instread of 2 =
    this might seem like a small change but trust me!
    (tornado -> EMP -> meatbal) -> then 0.5 faster DEAFBLAST To not even mention the change this creates for Refresher with reflect item and or even blademail. With rightclick lifesteal and spell lifesteal.

    10% lifesteal from vlad

    Alch can now give invoker free aganim that takes no item slot!!!!!!!!!!
    Mek & mana boot in same item.
    Spell reflect.
    4 different invis giving permanen invis (just counting the 3 items)

    თემა შეიცვალა
    plz do

      passive 25% lifesteal and cd reduction. zeus ult. full hp zeus. then go for right click dmg. full carry zeus. HD over 100k in 45 min game.


        Its still a 6k cost item. You will not be getting it in 20 mins and proceeding to rekt. Will be late game by the time you get it. And is it better than a refresher or a hex? I dont know


          Basically this makes invoker 5x as good. possibly as good as the other top 5 heroes combined. Trust me this will be changed.



              Oh yeah and as havoc just showed that DEAFblast is completly insane with faster speed all around blast and zero casttime^^


                Lina will be betterr


                  It's actually nice to see invoker come back. I remember when good invoker players were treasured now the hero has been so far out only a select few still religiously play him. I for one am happy to see him come back as a big mid contender.


                    Uhm, I love Invoker but he's hardly been buffed.

                    The most noticeable ones are the MAX LEVEL deafening blast and the appearance of spellvamp/cdr. The new DB doesn't really do much lol?? You can only use it at once you max everything meaning level 22 minimum if you don't add Invoke past level 1. With the new changes to EXP levelling should take somewhat longer.

                    Spellvamp does nothing much for him, if you play him properly then health sustain is rarely an issue since he plays from the back and good players would get BKB if enemy had pickoff heroes like Storm. CDR sounds really nice but honestly 1.5 second Invoke as compared to 2 seconds IS NOT GAMEBREAKING. I always ran out of spells to cast anyway with 2 seconds. 1.5 is overkill AND, I repeat AND his core teamfight spells such as Meteor/DB/Tornado have considerable cooldowns and you rarely will use them twice in a regular team fight unless its some turtling siege.

                    So you spend 6k for spellvamp you do not need and mediocre CDR instead of getting items with instant value such as Hex or BKB.

                    He's been buffed, yes, but his position in mid is basically the same as before lol. The laning stage hasn't been changed and only his super, super lategame has been buffed it you're thinking of a maxdb+octarine+other core items combo.


                      o really, think of that item on lesh. lesh with agha vs 5 enemy heroes will get like 300 hp/sec from lifesteal. and 6k gold is nothing for that dude. you can go 8cs/min ez