General Discussion

General DiscussionObserver Ward Updates

Observer Ward Updates in General Discussion

    Observer Wards now come in single increments
    Cost and restock time reduced by half and stock doubled

    Wow... AutoMaphack...

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Lolwut? It's totally the same number. Now when an offlaner asks you to give a ward you tell him to go buy his own fucking ward.


        Wait can you buy 4 at the beginning?


          just eat the ward with a tango for bonus regen.. 450 range to eat wards

          U wot m8?

            people still wont buy them...


              early gem + invis hero .. brood nerf


                i see 3 observer wards in the game now, and each costs in fact 75g

                not sure how viable but might be cheaper to buy 1 ward, place it away from the enemy carry and just tango on it for regent while still having some added vision

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  the fact that you can no longer miss uphill while dewarding sentry/obs is amazing, you can also instantly consume deward with a tango (lol)

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    The fact that they both live in the same inventory slot KreyGasm... boots tp wand/ghost sceptre dust obs sent was the saddest inventory I have ever fucking seen D:

                    urn medallion supports are also massively buffed by this... they can actually do more than ward or deward at once.

                    direct 1 protect 4 buffs right here hahaha.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა