General Discussion

General DiscussionHeadress no dagger PA now legit in 6.84

Headress no dagger PA now legit in 6.84 in General Discussion

    Well my mocked build with PA (headress and 6-8 points on blink and evasion before points in dagger) seem to be legit now when Vlad is made with headress and it give 10% life steal to ranged units.

    BTW Vlad also seem to be a legit item on NP now. I used it on NP already in the last patch before 6.84 so it will only be better now ofc.

    casual gamer

      how does that make it legit at all


      my mocked build with invoker (skilling only wex and exort max before getting invoke) seems to be legit now with the solar crest giving evasion and armor


        It was good before. Now it should be obvious that it is good (and even better then before).


          I have already explained the logic behind my reasoning about this build in other threads.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            yeah, just like how building aghs on tinker before he had an upgrade means it wasn't retarded before because it's now usable.


              Hmm I dont understand. To many "negations".


                too many = one?


                  ok here's an example

                  1 - treant has really good aghs upgrade
                  2 - because treant currently has an aghanims upgrade that is really good
                  3 - that means building aghs BEFORE he had the upgrade was also really good
                  which it isn't, because it's a waste of 4200 gold

                  in the same way that you're saying
                  1 - headdress is good on PA right now (which it isn't)
                  2 - vlads now requires headdress
                  3 - therefore building headdress on PA before headdress became a component of vlads is not retarded
                  which is wrong, it is retarded.


                    my brain hurts after reading this



                      [ ] not rekt
                      [X] rekt

                      Hatsune Miku

                        how is this legit??? how can you even farm assuming its a contested lane .. ewtff


                          Lyra Cc1 what you are basically saying is that it's a good thing that your parents had the same surname before getting married.

                          PINGU NIDEPIGU

                            sorry OP... but it doesnt really work that way mate

                            Hide The Pain - Herald

                              m8 u wot?


                                just have one of your supports get vlads


                                  no dagger = no farm in a hard lane


                                    idk headress whatever, you can go dagon 5 first item on pa, but you fucking need dagger (1st skill)


                                      ur mocked build with PA......

                                      ....will still be mocked in 6.84. no dagger is retarded shit, and headress on pa is also retarded shit. sorry

                                      bum farto

                                        KDA's of 1 are always what I look for in a carry PA


                                          I lost 10 IQ points reading this thread

                                          Giff me Wingman


                                            This is so fucking golden

                                            plz do

                                              "I lost 10 IQ points reading this thread"



                                                headress es is pretty good shit m8, better get 3 or 4


                                                  Well, if split push will work during this patch, then you will probably see this. But on the other hand. People need to dare to try it also. And actually considering the advantages and the situations when it is suitable.

                                                  Just mocking it... well it kinda shows that you are not one of the people that come up with play style innovations in this game.

                                                  Compare with the mobile phones. Almost no one needed on of thoese. Now "everyone" has atleast one.


                                                    Can u explain the headress pa thing for those of us who missed the first episode


                                                      M I L N O R

                                                      Yes, some day. Maybe during the weekend this week. Not now.

                                                      PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                                        lyra you needa stop trolling these forums...

                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                          @dango you had a mek and yet 0 for Hero healing? last item bought?


                                                            Too much retard, can't even handle.

                                                            KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                              Wtf. Like Dagger is what gets PA kills and farm especially early game. Its like no Raze SF yet even in the lategame PA needs dagger to slow down people.

                                                              EDIT: Most played Heros are Riki, Void, and Sniper lol that explains it.

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                                You need to stop reading threads that you are not interested in.

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  srsly lyra, stop it. Itøs futile, you are a retard that refuses to understand why it's retarded. Stop making smurfs, you will always be in the same shitbracket you belong. Stop wasting your and other peoples time with your tardness.



                                                                    Sigh. OK. One example. If my team has an aggro lane on the offlane. I many times raped heroes 1v1 on the safe lane like Tide and Clock with this build. Cent also I guess. And I dont need to slow people since I split push.

                                                                    I allready expalined this. But you are mocking a strategy that you dont even know how it looks like. GG WP. Have a good life. I have no interest in talking any more with you.

                                                                    My most played hero all time is Rubick. More then 700 games. Maybe Kotl is the second.

                                                                    Im the Bully of my School

                                                                      PA is def shit pick since forever and now even more :( and i have the arcana :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(





                                                                        Hello Friends

                                                                        Explain to me how I am wasting your and other peoples time? You and many other allready know that you hate my posts and still you click on them and read part of them. And then you give me the same respons that you always do. That I am a retard and a bad player etc. etc. This is how it have been for some months now. I know.

                                                                        Who are the real retards? My opinion is solid.

                                                                        "Itøs futile..."

                                                                        I dont know what you think I am trying to do.
                                                                        I am not trying to make you think any different. I am not trying to convince you etc. etc.

                                                                        Im the Bully of my School

                                                                          Hello Friends will you really let him go with this? fight for your honor


                                                                            Im the Bully of my School


                                                                            You really think he has any honor left or can get it back? NO. Just no.

                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              because we have faith in humanity, despite you trying to crush it.

                                                                              Im the Bully of my School

                                                                                i have alot of faith in human humani..ty wtv word you said


                                                                                  1v1 lane, better get an aura item!



                                                                                    LOL yes ofc since the creeps benefit from the aura. Which in turn make my wave stronger then their wave.
                                                                                    I guess you didnt consider that. To much "out of the box" for you.

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      I'm literally on the floor crying.



                                                                                          yeah, slowly push the lane towards the enemy tower in the early game so that the offlaner gets easier XP and you're further away from the tower while getting 0 tower damage because headdress's push is shit, but enough to fuck up the creep equilibrium

                                                                                          when instead you could get tango + basilius instead and have the option to turn it on/off IF you want to push or not, the push from the 2 armour is greater than the 3 HP from headdress, which makes 0 difference to number the tower hits that a creep takes, and basi is way more efficient on PA than a headdress anyway, because basi is 525g for 6 damage and 3 armour, which is comparable to poor man's 6 agi and 20 damage block, on top of giving you what is basically a void stone in mana regen, so you can spam your enemy out of lane with dagger, which is way more effective than trading hits with them you fucking dumbass.

                                                                                          why am I wasting my time with you when you're a smurf who can't even hold 50% winrate in high skill

                                                                                          Im the Bully of my School

                                                                                            when lane is hard i let them push tower and then they leave and i can free farm ^o^


                                                                                              I want to see 1 game where a PA with your build snowballs. Even against easy bots your team would carry you.

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                "I many times raped heroes 1v1 on the safe lane like Tide and Clock"

                                                                                                i cant imagine a world where blink striking a tide doesnt result in getting anchor smashed and then dealing no damage

                                                                                                what bracket is this?

                                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                                  Why this thread has so many posts ?


                                                                                                    >>Hello Friends

                                                                                                    "I'm literally on the floor crying. "

                                                                                                    Then I seem to be finished with you then. Mission accomplished.


                                                                                                    Why you assume I push the safe lane while the offlaner are there? Or the safle to begin with?

                                                                                                    "why am I wasting my time with you when you're a smurf who can't even hold 50% winrate in high skill"

                                                                                                    I have already explained that my winrate is due to factors like AFK cliff farming in ARLP etc.
                                                                                                    I even won a ARLP with cliff farming when I was outdoors buying food.
                                                                                                    But I guess that people DONT WANT TO understand this.


                                                                                                    I remember I had 19-1 in on game. It is not like I played this build very much. Or PA very much.


                                                                                                    "i cant imagine a world where blink striking a tide doesnt result in getting anchor smashed and then dealing no damage"

                                                                                                    Wana try it 1v1? I dont remember that the other players did anything strange like not using their abilities etc.


                                                                                                    "Why this thread has so many posts ?"

                                                                                                    Many people in this forum love to hate me.


                                                                                                      Did you just really bump this thread?

                                                                                                      God aren't you the little attention brat.