General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 furion is back?

6.84 furion is back? in General Discussion

    Melee Barracks team bounty increased from 175 to 275
    Ranged Barracks team bounty increased from 100 to 225
    Tier 2 and 3 towers armor reduced from 25 to 22

    Nature's Prophet

    Sprout cast range increased from 600 to 625/700/775/850
    Sprout duration increased from 3/3.75/4.5/5.25 to 3/4/5/6
    Nature's Call treant base damage from 22 to 28
    Aghanim's Scepter-upgraded Wrath of Nature now spawns a Nature's Call treant whenever it kills a unit. Killing a hero will spawn a stronger treant (3x damage and health of a normal one)



      Its a huge buff although some people might argue its worthless.

      You can now push multiple lanes at once even harder than before and a refresher + aghs would make for the ultimate split pusher. You can split push without having to TP over.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        I like it (obviously). He was never a bad hero anyway, but I actually think he may be too strong now.

        Jorges Sanz

          Wrath was never used as a pushing tool (anti-push and global nuking yes) in the first place.

          I don't see why people would now see it as a pushing tool and all the more spend 4.2k to spawn a couple more treants and add marginally more dmg to the ult.

          You already have problems itemizing furion with only 6 slots. The last time aghanim's was used competitively was TI1 , EHOME if i remember.


            It was anti-push because it pushed out the other lanes. You obviously don't know what you're talking about...

            Obviously noone got Aghs when it was much weaker than this? Why the fuck did you even bother typing that out? And the new Aghs would outclass Necromonicon since it is much cheaper and offers more flexible split pushing AND farm.


              Furion is so fun to play against, thank god for the buff

              plz do

                its a trolling buff - not gonna play big roles in vhs i think. although split pushin is gonna be a good way to engange the new teamfight aoe meta.

                Jorges Sanz

                  You clearly can't read.

                  My point was yes Aghs furion was extremely weak before (as you have agreed with me), i just don't see how adding the ability to spawn a few more treants on creep/hero kills justifies its purchase now or for that matter should be considered a huge buff to furion.

                  Sure you get the 3x HP/Dmg treant on hero kills with wrath, but i don't see any reason to let furion instead of a carry (or someone who needs the gold more) get the last hit on hero kill.

                  Wrath was also never supposed to be used for farming in the first place, you must be one of those selfish braindead who uses it to steal farm from your carry or for that matter use it to blindly push without considering creep equilibrium on all the lanes.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    ^I agree with you, but I think agha on furion COULD be viable in pro games now. I don't know if its possible to 1 shot creeps with it if u get enough bounces, but if you do this could mean next level creep cutting if you have proper warding. for e.g. : The enemy team is pushing, if you can kill a creep with your agha ult u can get a treant and pull the wave away from the lane => backdoor won`t get disabled => enemy team can`t push.

                    Yes this is extremely situational and the Item is probably still not worth the cost.

                    The dmg buff to treants is quite significant though:
                    +6 dmg now 28 total
                    before it was 22 so they increased treant dmg by about 27%
                    If you add the deso change (600 gold cheaper for like 10 dmg)e

                    So furion can farm a insanely fast deso & sprout people and easily attack them
                    I think i`m gonna spam this guy

                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      This forever has my been my most hated hero in the game. Time to prepare to see him all the time I guess.