General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst part about sniper and troll

Worst part about sniper and troll in General Discussion

    Is that heroes that deserve as much or more nerf won't be nerf because most people focus their rage on troll and sniper, I speak of wk, necro, omniknight.


      Pro's don't pick them AKA they are bad.


        I think es Oracle and ss also are heros who deserve bit of a nerf..

        casual gamer

          i think wk is strong but not op

          hes definitely fucked by sny + skadi meta though


            pro pick wraith king often he usually murder every other carry even with bad start.

            harvard graduate

              How is Oracle not the #1 complaint here?

              casual gamer

                wk carry pop bkb

                sniper shoot wk


                wk attack speed slowed by 7377282

                wk move speed reduced to 100

                wk look like tony but do no damage

                sniper ignore wk and peep team

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  I watch a lot of pro games and I can't say I've seen wk picked in a long time.

                  Was he even picked once in star ladder 12? I think not.

                  Sniper on the other hand was 6-0 at one point at star ladder.

                  Side note I believe in the finals IG vs VG only troll made and appearance once and that game was a loss.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Wk is shit this meta, this hero cant farm.

                    Omni isnt op wtf.

                    Necro is strong but not op, he needs a team to dmg the ennemy so he can ult. he cant 1v1 carries in late game unless he went dagon eblade and snowballed heavily from that.

                    Dire Wolf

                      WK doesn't farm that badly since he has vamp aura built in and a passive dmg boost. It's not nearly as bad as chaos knight who has no regen so he has to buy crap items like dominator or like dragon knight who has a lot worse right click dmg early. WK just doesn't fit the meta, he's not op or underpowered. It's kind of like lifestealer, the hero design is fine, it's the other guys around him that don't fit so well.

                      Omni is fine, issue is people don't ever counter him. He's pretty unstoppable if you get zero silences/disables/purges for him and no one buys a diffusal.


                        Wk with blink two shot sniper. I've seen him picked twice or three times in the last months and i don't watch so much pro games, last game I remember was vs gyrocopter, very bad start for wk but he started to win every team fights with ult.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          IDK I really had trouble winning with WK in this patch, I used to be able to stomp almost every game with him, but he just feels to easy to harass out of lane and doesn't catch up fast enough if he falls behind.


                            i highly doubt you understand at a deep level what makes the heroes strong


                              Well, Wk is countered really hard by any kinds of slows, disable, or manaburn. Also Pl destroys him, if he doesn't get BkB, and mjolnir