General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr raising fast once I stopped chasing losses.

Mmr raising fast once I stopped chasing losses. in General Discussion

    I used to only want to get off after one last win unless it got really late ofcourse. Now if I lose and I look back at the game and it was sub par I'll just get off or play some unranked It has really curtailed my loss streaks to one or two losses at a time so I don't ruin my win streaks.


      and nothing at all to do with you spamming Sniper? ;D


        Lol sniper def helped lost 500 mmr not adjusting to meta was just getting it all back plus 50 mmr so far ;p, sniper alone not enough though I am on a 9-1 streak right now, sniper good for maybe 55% win rate , those were prolly the last sniper games I'll play in awile since I won't play another game until after update and him most likely nerf. I'd feel dirty doing it with troll but I don't feel like sniper is op with all the counters for him out there.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          yeah i was only taking the piss :) your op is true anyway - know thyself...

          my win rate drops from about 90% first game of the day to ~40% if i play more than 5.