General Discussion

General DiscussionMost ez Low prio of my life

Most ez Low prio of my life in General Discussion

    Actually I was not even at home during the most part of the game. I was out buying food in the food store :D


      people brag about how ez low prio is but I don't see why. The point isn't whether you learned a lesson or not or felt punished or not, it is that none of us had to deal with someone like you for your stint there


        lol I never feel punished when trash abuse the report system

        "someone like you" - wana elaborate on this?

        But hey, since you are in normal skill games you never "have to deal with" someone like me anyways - reported or not

        Welt aus Eis

          ^ LMFAO
          you were normal skill before creating this smurf
          this is your main account

          you're a special snowflake indeed

          Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

            No no no no. I calibrated on my first account on 3500 mmr 12 months ago. This is my second account and I didnt know how to play in order to get into VHS during the first five games. Now I know how to and can do it any time over and over.

            But yes, I am very special. That is what most people IRL thinks :) <3

            Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

              Yesterday I came into VHS after four games on account number 8.

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