General Discussion

General DiscussionLoda!?

Loda!? in General Discussion

    playing benao style drow mid? lets see :p


      stupid alliance... dazzle hurts more than he helps staying mid. Laning against a zeus is not ideal but he shouldve owned bylevel 4 so fuck you akke


        ee 2 stronk


          no, akke lost the game minute 0 by staying mid for over 5 minutes. He couldve been bot with sentries and zoned out the brood or he couldve been top and made sure bane zoned out the supprots and secured kills with mirana. Instead he leeched exp from drow and all the bonus dmg that they couldve gotten from drow was MINIMAL, staying mid also invited disruptor to be an ass to loda instead of pajkatt/niqua. st*pid sh*t rly its not the first time i see akke playing like sh*t -> i bet they pick sky for him because he asks for it too! they could go silencer and never lose a game but the st*pid prick just won't stfuu or play as he is supposed to

          the realm's delight


            Giff me Wingman

              Aliance got crushed by playing 'benao style drow mid'?

              Big shocker. They probably lost a bet and had to play like the worst player on the planet, hence they downloaded a replay of you playing drow and tried to do the same, apparently they did a good job on it.

              How's that 4.3k rating going for ya? You sure have a nice position flaming professional players and their decisions. Keep up the good work.


                somehow you played in 5k bracket vs me ^^
                mid drow ^^
                btw your picture is so awkward man :D it cracks me up every time!


                  ^ Yeah, what Benao lacks in skill he makes up in toxicity. Just flames while playing his shitty sub-2 KDA carries.

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                      i love the way benao thinks his decision making > akke's cuz its about drow. Last time he gave his opinion about her, he said drow > sf anytime, without hand and lost miserably right after in a 1v1 sf/trax


                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        to be fair missing a chromosome is still covered by retardation


                          ok im out

                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                            CAN'T WIN

                              Yeah 2k drow mid style.

                              CAN'T WIN

                                U are the precursor of the 2k benao


                                  @sir i was owning that game,just be grateful you won and im serious here. You were forced to hid 20 min into your jungle because you couldnt handle me, sadly teammates didnt help me finish and you came back and wreck them. My drow is designed to win by 20-30 minutes, while also being able to handle lategame but as you can see that game, team didnt have shit prepared for lategame and ruined the chances of winning early too! A laned raxed is not enough. Just look at that stupid CARRY invoker build and OFFLANE weaver build! Disgusting from Chaq, freefarm, freedmg thx to drow + free early ownage translated into 20 min farm equivalent of the worst trash items possible. If he had gone necro 3 and maelstrom game would've been over! Same with aquilla drums manta/deso weaver instead of that useless fucking linkens! -->take into account I TOOK DOWN all 6 towers in 15-20 minutes!

                                  i insist the game vs sf mid 1v1 was won by drow. Having the same items, same level drow assisted 2 other lanes! In a real game sf shouldn't get any of those runes reducing his farming capabilities and pressuring him to bottle crow that again translates in me owning around the game while sf had the same as i did. If sf left his lane to take some other tower, he would've lost mid tower and i wouldve still been in time to tp and save mine.

                                  and akke lost that game! His job was distraction around the map and not babysit drow because guess what! she doesnt need it and you ruin her progression which is reflected in the progression of everybody else in the team by having no dmg in a high risk laning.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    So what you are claiming is, that you 'owned' sir mid and all he did was afk jungle for 20mins to get 750+GPM. I'm sure that everyone wants to believe a shittier player like you.

                                    Since your feeble mind lack the ability to comprehend the very basics of logic and reasoning, i won't bother explaining to you why you are nothing more than a rambling kid who knows nothing, but i will take the chance to show some people who read this topic with lower MMR who are interested in why SF is owning drow in every way.

                                    As you guys can see, benao's way of arguing is equal to that of a 4 year old brat. What it boils down to is 'Drow bettar than SF cuz I want so'. No arguments or anything to back his claims up. So let me enlighten you guys who didn't already know why SF is beating drow in every way.

                                    I didn't spectate the game, so i had to go for the information presented in this thread. As far as i can gather Aliance ran Drow mid with a dazzle supporting, which is totally the right call. Drow needs some exp in order to be strong, since drow needs her ultimate badly, therefore you don't want to put her in a trilane. In the early game she is completely useless in every way, she has very low damage and no escape or stuns/nukes. The biggest problem with drow is, that she has no flashfarm whatsoever, meaning, once she is shut down, you are very likely to be useless the rest of the game, so you cannot afford her to lose the lane. According to benaos rambling, she was up against a zeus, which is a pretty bad matchup to begin with, zeus will always zone drow out with his nukes and drow cannot stay in lane at all. Due to the lack of any nuke, drow rangers only way to even remotely have a chance to kill a zeus, is with rotation. In a 1v1 situation zeus would always win since all he has to do is to stay back and use his skills. The only thing drow can do is to wait for zeus to gank and get the tower as fast as possible, which is a risk itself, since a couple of roations is all you need to kill a drow over and over again. Alliance realized that and did send a passive support like dazzle mid in order to prevent drow from getting shut down hard, apparently that didn't work out to well.

                                    So lets talk about SF vs drow. As i stated, drow has nothing going on for her in the early game, sf on the other hand has massive flashfarm and nukes. This gives SF a huge edge over drow, since SF can easily zone drow out of the lane. Not only is SF able to zone out drow rather fast, but SF is also able to get a lot better rune control, since all a SF player has to do is the push the lane with razes and then go for runes, since drow has nothing to stop the pushing of the creeps, the only option is to ask your supports to kill SF over and over again, since there is no way for drow ranger to even remotely do something about a SF. Even if drow should manage to get level 6 and finally do some damage, at that point the SF has a rather huge advantage in farm and is able to easily solokill drow and snowball out of control.

                                    And yes, when i play solo queue, i have a chance to get an idiot like benao who picks drow mid, gets completely destroyed and loses the game. Despite the huge difference in skill and understanding of the game. I can't always get mid (which is my favorite position and the position i perform the best) because a 4k trash player always has to get his big ass ego going and somehow thinks that 6k players don't derserve their rating, only to fail miserably and flame everyone else but himself dispite having 1 12 0 stats.

                                    EDIT: TL:DR, I rekt benao with reason & logic and pulled a 'relentless post', deal with it.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      Didnt even read.

                                      I rek ppl in the 6k bracket and you get rekt in the 4k bracket.

                                      End of thread.


                                        I cant believe how can this guy believe that drow can beat sf , if anything sf will farm the lane and jungle while u struggle to farm under ur tower , when he get euls ur hp is too low to handle his ulti , if he got meka he can push offering -armour -dmg slow huge magical dmg and huge physical dmg , while drow offer some dmg and bonus dmg to her ranged team mates , maybe a silence but he will out lvl het out farm her and he will do better in every stage of the game , maybe in ultra late game she might do better , if she mnged to farm and reach that point , and the thing is , sf can comeback from behind if he get shut downed , drow cant

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          @sir: currently you're getting rekt as much tho

                                          @Fire: No worries, benao will entertain u very soon by telling you he is pro and u don't know shit.


                                            @blunt no need to explain why sf>trax its like sayin why me>all, there is just too much to explain