General Discussion

General DiscussionI need to understand stuff.

I need to understand stuff. in General Discussion

    It seems that every time I play with my friends on this account I go down to the normal bracket. Why does this happen? Does this affect my hidden mmr? Lel


      there are two types of hidden mmr - solo and party, and they may be different
      if u go to normal skiellz when stacking, it either means ur hidden party mmr is lower than solo, or ur friends' hidden party mmr is low.
      when u play in stacks, you hidden solo mmr is not affected.


        triplesteal, can you check where my solo mmr is heading at? I've been having bad games lately


          i dont know which of your games are played in party, but apparently u get to VHS bracket even when you lose, so it should be over 3800. However, its hard to say whether you are, f.e., 3900 or 4400.


            So it's all about the kda ratio or other stuff matters too?


              nah, kda doesnt matter much. its more about winrate in your first games and HD, and kda is 3rd most important parameter.

              CAN'T WIN

                there are no party hiden lel

                CAN'T WIN

                  cuz you can play solo all games to the calibration


                    nah, u r wrong. the contradiction u provide as proof is actually not a contradiction :)

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      @TripleSteal- what do you mean HD? I'm noob at this hahaha


                        hero damage


                          So I need to spam my favorite carries for a higher mmr? Because I played support and shit that might have affected my hidden mmr O_O


                            if u spam heroes in order to get higher mmr, you'll get to the mmr you dont actually deserve, which will lead to both your and your teammates' frustration. mmr evaluates skill pretty accurate when you just play normally.

                            Last picking is 4 pussies


                              Do what this guy did. Spam easy heroes that own the meta during that time. Then once you calibrate start playing 4-5 slot heroes. Oh and study up on slark since he has the power to dodge nerfs ;)