General Discussion

General Discussionwhatsup with all the griefers leavers and laggers?

whatsup with all the griefers leavers and laggers? in General Discussion

    U can flame me all u want i know some1 posted about it but im so mad that i want to make a post about it and im ready to get flamed boys so no hard feelings.

    Team kept fedding i got strong we made a ccomeback ember feed divine he said game is taking long and he need to sleep (he was 5.5k)
    Team doesnt want to help me push tinker doesnt buy a single item for the team no hex shivas at least dagon, i asked him to get necro he didnt accept, sniper wanted to keep defending and he said he dont want to push , i took rax at about min 20, at the first 10 15 mins rubick didnt want to support i think he fought with someone

    Team said they want to make push strat, undying after min 13-15 kept dcing and said he was lagging couldnt play the game they raped us 4v5 , team doesnt want to 5 man and they already said they want to end early with there picks , sure

    4 cores fight for mid all midas i solo supported but storm who picked after ta and stole mid died 4 times at the first 8 mins , all fighting together

    Jugger kept saying he is lagging and left at min 4 or 5 , rubick followed then sandking , me and cw played for fun , but free -25

    Ultra retarded sniper , we were able to defend hg killing them few times , wr got bored and dced 5v4 we couldnt handle the push, we had huge chance of winning , i had 10 1 8 at first

    Riki said u guys wont win this, for no reason, started feeding couriers gicing them wards and smokes, idk whatsup with him sf said that riki did the same shit last game
    slark said leave my lane i need exp, died 4 times to pheonix , storm died 5 times at mid , i said mid first and marked, he picked storm and fed , i said offlane , he said he puck; worst puck ive seen in my life he said he is bad with puck, why pick it?

    Thats from my overview only ,dont get me wrong i dont hate bad players and im not saying i raped everyone every game and i never fail or anything u can see my last game , gf called me couldnt play and i lost hope from all the games i played so really , i lost interest in ranked tbh, but griefers , leavers , lane stealers who cant play, i swear they r so annoying , its not about losing ill win them back easily , but people dont want to try, u feed divine to riki cuz u want to sleep?


      tl dr
      flame-complaint thread, gj

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        ^ bad comment 3/22


          ^fast response 4/20


            ^ gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

            Now seriously is anyone having problems with this kind of peeps?


              well i dont have leavers in my games (probably cz im playing relatively high-ranked party), but besides that - you can always find reasons to flame others, but its the question of your attitude, not other people's performance. if you get matched with them, then on average they got roughly same skill (except not balanced games with high mmr difference among playaz)


                I had a roaming bh rush dagon to ks everything and then die

                plz do

                  use less energy on crying?? profit.

                  also ur recent picks show frustration. lycan,oracle,troll,...


                    Such is the way of synderen


                      ^ i reached 5k with over 70% winrate , then i played es went down , then played my best and reached 5k again with over 70% wr , but after i did , i swear to god , u can see the games , btw i rearly flame , sometimes i troll the enemy , i was 5.8k on my main i sold it , i dont have hard time winning any game and i dont flame , BUT too much leavers at 5k , i dont care about bad players , i might flame when the game is ending , but leavers greafers and some of the 4.3k lane stealers even some low 5ks , anything under 5.3k is bad , thats my opinion , but i dont fight fir mid and go if u mid ill duel mid ...


                        @ hush im not crying , im not blaming bad players , the thing is u cant carry leavers or griefers , impossible

                        Giff me Wingman

                          Well, i'm not gonna do the usual flame, since i do know that you are a skilled person, but since i know you are tilting atm ima tell u.

                          Stop tilting boy, it only causes losses. U'll never get 6k if u let 4k trash make u tilt.


                            ^ man ill be honest , after all the griefers and leavers , the 4ks r dragging me lmao , i bearly can play anymore


                              u can have a pause and play some party gaeimz, they are way less retarded imo


                                Dude, just stop caring so much and try to have fun with the game again - you will benefit a lot from that (even in mmr), trust me :) When you're in good mood you focus way more on wining and when we're tilting we usually play like trash and lose a lot of mmr. So lets rather go win some ez party games.


                                  non retarded party games like this


                                    Rofl, well played!


                                      ^^ at least no one left or griefed? Look at the bright side m9