General Discussion

General DiscussionShould Techies and Techies Players Be Taken More Seriously.

Should Techies and Techies Players Be Taken More Seriously. in General Discussion
⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

    I recently watched a game between CDEC and Vici Gaming and techies was picked last. Saying that however in every game i see that techies players get blamed for everything and take all the shit from everyone else. It seems that people don't consider techies a real hero and isn't really taken seriously regardless how good or bad they do in a match. I'm curious if you guys feel if this is slightly harsh or should techies not be taken serious at all?

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      I don't care what happens with this game but I swear to god if I have to deal with anymore crap players that are utterly trash but get to brag and do well because they pick Troll, Axe, Sniper, Jugg.


      Look if you pick troll just keep your lips sealed the whole game don't you dare open your mouth like your talented.

        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

          techies isnt bad, but games with him/against him are rather boring. techies pickers steal my fun XD


            Techies can be quite powerful in the hands of a competent player, the problem is that he's neither fun to play with nor against.

              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                my issue with techies comes twofold.

                1. Fire and forget kills is not really something that should exist in DotA IMO, which is purely subjective.

                2. Techies players at my bracket never leave base after 15-20 minutes, meaning you are playing as if you have a rat, without the tower push that you would be getting with a rat. 4v5 all game and maximum 4 man push to highground, which is exasperated with the current turtle meta being very strong. I mean, mines hit towers, why not push with team sometimes?

                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                    cuz techie doesnt fit in this meta, and wont fit in any meta imo, he would have been good before the networth patch but now it useless
                    he doesnt fight, he doesnt push, all he does is give 'random kills every x time " which is basically uselss especially with this meta when ppl dont care about dying cuz they get more gold after.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Can confirm, I am 2k, so it's defo 2k techies players D:

                      I will get better at this game at some point...


                        Ampoule Aquatique humm techies is really strong for push.


                          I quietly get a little annoyed when I see a player wanting to pick techies, I dont say anything as it is still a hero and in good hands it has some value, alot like pudge. The biggest issue and saw this when Waga played it 2 nights ago, he won mid vs a lina (was f*-king awesome) but opponents had sniper which is pretty prevalent these days and i think it sort of hard counters Techies with his 950 range. If early sentries and gem get picked up it can quickly turn into a 4 v 5.

                          I often keep an eye on Techies assists because that will generally tell me if he is actually contributing to the team, also what items he is building (Dagon 5 is not a team item). Like previously said, best case with techies you get a drawn out game and he helps create space by getting kills around the map and your cores get huge over time and you win like that. Worst case you play a 1 hour 15 min game to lose slowly.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                            @Socram i agree with you completely, he's not fun to play with or against, i spend games trying to lead heroes over techies bombs instead of playing properly

                            Pom Pom 🍕

                              Techies is best when your cores have better late game than enemy cores. He's mostly a defensive hero stalling out the game and getting some surprise kills. He can't really team fight much, so your team has to mostly play 4v5 while he is mining.

                              While he is countered by the gem, he can still punish deminers with a force staff (except a few really long range heroes) or destroy a whole creep wave with a single aghanim mine so they can't push.


                                Honestly, techies is a good hero especially in the right hands. I don't think people should underestimate the kind of space the hero creates.

                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                    Ofc techies can team fight good

                                    Green mines
                                    Blue mines
                                    Blow them self up
                                    Items like eul, dagon, hex etc.

                                    There are endless ways to team fight with this.
                                    All you need is this
                                    1. other heroes with synergies with techies in your team
                                    2. team play
                                    3. strategy

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      He's so freakin easy to counter, all he does in our games is draw out matches and make it suck for both sides. He might be good in pubs as a last pick. But even when he's picked the team won't pick heroes that work well with him like sniper, medusa. Sniper + medusa + techies would be a disgusting late game, you just turtle until they are 6 slotted, but more often than not someone will pick techies and next pick will be like PA or spectre and they'll need lane support and want to fight mid game and it won't work out.


                                        well as a last pick they might be actually be good, if the other team just doesn't have any heroes who have enough range to kill mines (and they are being piloted by a "good" techies player) they could be super stronk.


                                          Magnus and techies still the best combo in this game


                                            Lul I always pick medusa or uber late game when I see techie on my team.... If the enemy has more late game than us tho its almost like techies is making space for the enemy team lol


                                              The problem with techies that they're unaware of how to leave their t3 towers.


                                                i love it when i get a techies on my team, they never complain cos they're so scared of being flamed, and its so easy to make opponents tilt without shittalking (i play under a probably misguided notion that i should never shittalk)

                                                plus anyone who actually picks techies in ranked now probably know what they're doing, or at least are as good at him as they are at anything else

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                                                  @thequantumofuncertainty: Im wasted so i shouldnt be replying but i agree, i find techies players good or bad tend to keeo to themselves, they are terrified that they will be blamed or everything, this goes back to my original point that nobody takes them seriously so therefore they become the scapegoat, but also true that i very rarelt see techies lose because the people who pickhim no what they are doing

                                                  CAN'T WIN

                                                    techies is shit,