General Discussion

General DiscussionHow confident are you in team fights when..

How confident are you in team fights when.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    You only have "mediocre" items and ul just basically rely on your heroes skills and movement? Regardless of roles. What is your mentality towards this?


      Depends on how fat the enemy is.

      If their significantly more fed, then your team and you have to rely on perfect initiations and follow ups or you will get simply get wiped. However, say only you have mediocre items and your team is relatively even on farm. All this changes is when you are supposed to go into the fight. Say you're a Tide with absolutely no farm and plain brown boots. Instead of attempting to initiate, you should be counter initiating when they jump or doing a followup iniation after an ally.

      Having better items simply improves your options. A simple example is that you get 4 out of 5 scenarios which are available instead of 1 out of 5 if you had no items.


        It also depends a lot on which heroes each team has, which big ultimates are on cooldown, and, of course, which hero I'm playing.