General Discussion

General DiscussionRazor Last Hitting

Razor Last Hitting in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    How do I last hit better with Razor? Because he has that weird whip thing that has a delayed invisible projectile. Should I constantly spam Link against my lane opponents or get a bottle and spam Static Field?


      Static link and passive own almost everything
      Static link is one of the most commonly first picked abilities in ability draft.
      Edit: the electric circle thing is kinda useless. I almost only use it to clear creep waves to defend towers or split push. Otherwise I just save the mana if I dont have plenty of it.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        first of all lyralei don't give advice if you're sub 2k
        the 'electric circle thing' is razor's only farming tool and if you have bottle aquila you can spam it, otherwise you won't get items for shit


          go into private match and get deso or skadi if you want to see the actual projectile.