General Discussion

General Discussionaxe item build?

axe item build? in General Discussion

    tranquil -> blink. then what?

    when do i get crimson, when do i get agha, when do i get bm/shiva/bloodstone?

    im really confused about this hero, cant figure out what i need and when.

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        aghs and bm are two most popular ones
        vg -> crymson also viable
        halebard is possible
        force staff if u r good nough and feel like you need it
        shivas and bkb should be purchased later in most cases

        Pom Pom 🍕

          Also consider pipe if they have a lot of aoe magic (Zeus, veno especially)

          yung griphook

            i've been following Havoc's build and I have a pretty decent win rate playing with it, I definitely recommend checking it out.

            And that's about all the advice I'm qualified to give #normalskilllife


              Go trenq>blink>vitalitybooster into vanguard if u r raping them rush scepter if not check the enemy R they brusting u down? Bm if ur its even and u can farm woods/lane go scepter, scepter is op on axe , if ur pushing and u have scepter consider ulting a creep for the as, after scepter bm i go shivas normally but u might need heavens, if the enemy have anti blinkers consider forcestaff , dont forget bkb against heavy nuke lineup and disables , if ur disabled u cant call and dunk , if u cant call and dunk ur a creep so dont listen to whoever tells u bkb is not for axe , i dislike bloodstone and consider it a trolling item, if u need more advices feel free to ask, btw i like him on the offlane and not woods

              bum farto

                @RL I noticed. Doing decently

                Also sadly this won't always work and sometimes you have to mix it up with a force, or euls just to stay alive. I think BKB on higher level games is pretty core now as people are pretty good higher tier at dealing with Axe and it's handy to have.



                  Guys, BLADEMAIL is like... vital... right?


                    Ok, so like you can go Force Staff, Blademail, Aghs, Bloodstone, lots of more other stuff.

                    If broodmother is on the enemy team i highly suggest picking up a vanguard.


                      Orb of venom and phase boots and urn. Eul and/or rod of atos and BM. Maelstorm. If you play well you dont have time to get more items.


                        ty for answers all. i see bm/agha is a must have, i can guess up the rest depending of game.


                          In my last games, I've been running tranquils > blink > crimson > force > bkb > shivas, and it works nicely.

                          Also, for those who think force is not a core item on axe, take a look at this

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            treads>mom>Daedalus>MKB>molijner>bot>Rapier GG WP


                              if u want to snowball do this:
                              Tranqs -> Blink -> Blademail ( ez kills that way around 15 mins) -> Aghs for extra snowball and from there its situational.
                              items like Heart,Shivas etc.
                              keep jumping into creep waves every chance u get to kill a hero with blademail and ult.
                              Crimson is Over-rated on him, its not always that good
                              also dont move from the jungle till u get ur blink unless there is a ganking chance on the safe lane(rarely happens).
                              after u get a few kilsl iwth the blink its usually gg.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                "Also, for those who think force is not a core item on axe, take a look at this
                                You claim force is core and link a video where if he had properly blinked in the first place he wouldn't have needed it?


                                  force isn't core. it's a good item, but not core. saying it's core is saying it's as important as travels on tinker, diffusal for PL, or AM's manta style, or blink on any big initator, which it isn't.

                                  i think it's only core on batrider, off the top of my head.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  Optimus Drip

                                    The thing with axe, in my opinion, is that his entire build is dependent on each individual game. If they have necro or zues then you have to rush at least a cloak even before blink, and even then only if you are not jungling, else you get it after blink.

                                    Also, are you maxing battle hunger(i actually have never done this) then maybe you want to rush soul ring.

                                    All in all just check high skill players' builds. Additionally you can ask havoc badger to grade your axe gameplay and get ignored by him:P