General Discussion

General DiscussionLevel of trust in doto? do you trust your teamates?

Level of trust in doto? do you trust your teamates? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Thoughts? Do you have a positive mindset when starting a game? Or do u lose it at somepoint in the game?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      I trust them when they are willing to communicate especially at the start. I don't trust them when at the start all they say is mid pls, supports pls. And sometimes I lose it when my team throws by running in 1 by 1.


        If I see average mmr in game 5400- I don`t trust anyone


          i assume everyone is gonna be uncooperative in my games until proven otherwise.
          if i get teammates that want to work together, cool. if not, no big deal, since it's what I expected.

          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

            I trust everyone until they lane. Then I question everything


              if in trusted stack i know if someone is good and i know if someone has a bad game
              i dont trust anyone in solo queue i play alone

              like this game i just finished... i bought wards 2 times as Jugg.. solo q or duo stack sucks.. no trust... just put some music on and mute rest 9 players. no fly till 15. no wards " riki support " and sniper abandon.. i was playing sniper too in teamfights lol
              all dying but well fyyq is here

              trust bro fist

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                I trust them tbh , because i have to , i cant win alone and if i dont trust them my chance of losing is higher , i have to play this 1 game with them if i like it or not , so kf trusting them give me higher chance achieving my goal , i will.


                  more like instead of trusting them i assume they are gonna do the right thing, they don't then i will feed and feed and feed until they do. When im climbing mmr however i use them as chips/baits and take out the whole enemy team after it is safe to act xD cause you know trash people are trash and they are gonna keep being trash no matter how much xp/items they have.


                    trust for +25


                      i always play in stacks and know how ppl i play with play, so i trust them


                        I trust them because they probably won't be much morse than my opponents. However, the more a player talk at the start of the game the less I trust him; most of those people tend to talk bs instead of actually concentrating on playing the game. Those games where everyone remain silent are the best.


                          "i will feed and feed and feed until they do."

                          How's LPQ treating you these days?