General Discussion

General DiscussionHow will sniper be nerfed?

How will sniper be nerfed? in General Discussion

    Any hero with such a high pick rate and win rate will get nerfed.

    I like the idea of take aim being a toggleable skill with MS reduction when range extended.

    Any other ideas other than changing number of charges/damage etc of shrapnel?


      Sniper won't be nerfed, he's slow as fuck, low hp, low damage. He's good when farmed to defend t3 but so is void.
      They will probably focus to up some other heroes like gyrocopter,pudge...


        Nerf mallstorm: doesn't not prof on lower ground units.
        Nerf EoS: cold attack does not stack with life steal on range heroes.
        Then up the mana cost of his Q

        Cherrer Pak

          Shrapnel is the OP skill sniper has imo, not sure they would try to nerf that tho.


            Yeah ice frog doesn't normally directly nerf the op element so shrapnel will probably stay with just a small change.

            Maelstrom nerf would be good for reducing high ground defence and farm.

            Shrapnel damage could be shared between affected units or just do hero damage.

            plz do

              sniper has been always ugly and will stay that way. but there were ez ways to take him out of the game. but shrapnel gives him too much early game presence. ganking gets so hard vs sniper w new shrapnel. mb it gets nerfed by not disabling blink dagger (it does not disable tranquils already) or longer cd.

              same shit w trolls slow.


                only physical attacks disable tranquils


                  Just counter him? You play in normal skill bracket (dunno whats the mmr range of normal). Sniper might be a pain in the ass there. But there is a ton of heros, that eat him in early, mid and lategame. Spectre, clockwork, spiritbreaker, antimage, pa. All heros that can get close and personal with him. Melee>Ranged (basher).

                  Best way to deal with sniper is to gank him early (that is for all carries).

                  Problem with him is to get uphill. Thats when a hero that can close the distance and some other heros that can get hg come in into play.

                  The only real pestheros for pubgames in higher lvl are troll, earthspirit (in the right hands), storm (in the right hands) and meepo (in the right hands). Axe to some extend (pain in the ass; can get blink in 8 min while farming jungle; can assrape for the next 15 min).

                  While meepo, es, storm need actually some skill, troll ist just fucking op. He can farm rly fast, is dangerous in all gamestages, has a decent laningpresence (melee/range), 2 nukes with a slow, rly mobile.

                  With hod, bkb he can just 1v1 every other hero in the fucking game, even with 1 Item more on the other hero (if you are bashed you can't do shit, right?).

                  You can solorosh with just Hod, boots and aquilla.

                  With a Blink, S&Y, Hod and BKB you can wrack havoc in teamfights, unless the enemy has some strong controlespells (Bane, Doom, Magnus). BKB, Blink, Whirling Axes, Ult, 1 hero dead and no chance for the enemy team to do shit about it.

                  Troll can jungle, mid, safelane, initiate and even offlane to some extend. He farms fast, can snowball ez, has teamfight presence, big comebackpotential even after shut down in the early game...

                  The hero is just a joke.


                    I wasn't saying I personally had a problem with him but he is clearly imbalanced if he is most picked and has a 53% winrate. Most picked heroes should have winrates below 50% if balanced to the rest of the game.

                    of course you can counter pick him but you can say that about any hero.


                      Well not about troll. The only counters to troll are the counters to every hero. Rp, doom, fiendsgrip.

                      Thats what makes the hero annoying. You can just firstpick him and get away with it every fucking game:

                      - You will finde a lane for him
                      - Your team benefits from the attackspeed
                      - You will be relevant in all gamestages

                      There is no specific counter. You can counter Sniper with Storm, Storm with Silencer or Orchid/BKB and so on.

                      There is no specific troll counter.

                      Sniper has high winrate, cause in lower brackets ppl just do not gank him, notice him late in teamfights etc. There is a shitton of sniper counters.

                      Heros who can close the gap:

                      - Clock
                      - Am
                      - Spectre
                      - Riki
                      - Spiritbreaker
                      - Storm

                      Hell even Pudge gets ez hands on him cause sniper is a perfect hook target (slow and always in a healthy distance to creeps).


                      - Blink
                      - SB

                      If you pick 5 melee and nobody with blink, you will have a hard time with him.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        MoM giving less or none additional MS, only AS.


                          He won't be nerfed much if not at all.

                          Sniper isn't even that strong.

                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            Shrapnel needs a nerf period. It's always up and sniper barely requires mana regen compared to other heros pre 6.


                              Removed hoho HAHA done hero balanced

                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                Shrapnel right now needs a damage nerf, mana increase, cd of charge increase, or slow % decrease. At least one.

                                I don't care which but needs one. Also by dotabuff heroes best against sniper are basically not played some for obvious reasons.

                                Also all the talk about ganking sniper seriously? It's not worth it try to win the lane get pickoffs that don't over commit. A missed pickoff on sniper is almost always 2 hero plus death due to his team tping or just turn around through mass shrapnel.

                                Personally I hate sniper he has to be one of the easiest heroes ever created and I don't see how anyone with a sense of pride can enjoy playing it aside from pros who are playing for money.

                                On that note during a tier 1 pro game the announcer was talking about how the last 3 games he casted sniper players went like 63-5.....

                                Not asking for huge nerfs but something has to give.

                                Also if your going to call me out for earth spirit spam I'm fine with that as long as your capable of playing the hero spare me if you can't. Cough cough "Sir"

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                jus chillen

                                  ^filthy es spammer kappa

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    Probably like -5 movement speed.

                                    Icefrog usually gives minor nerfs to heroes who used to be very unpopular for a long time then suddenly become first pick/ban every game.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Honestly I look at shrapnel then I compare it to something like Chens movement speed slow which is barely noticeable.

                                      Kind of shocking.

                                      Natsuki Subaru

                                        I saw a thread where the charges scale like 1/2/2/3, probably the best balanced nerf I saw.
                                        If u have problems with sniper nuke the fuck out of him


                                          shrapnel back to 125 mana (keep the charge system) there he is balanced.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            There are tons of counters to sniper not sure if he needs a nerf. He is pretty strong right now tho so nerf wouldn't surprise me.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              The counters to sniper are pretty easily handled things that are taken away by map vision decent reacting supports or just the sniper playing semi cautious.

                                              Side note haven't seen anyone else say but best I had someone make sniper irrelevant was actually a Phoenix mid vs him.


                                                PA: bkb dagger blink 1 critical sniper dead


                                                  FYYQ your plan sounds good on paper, but most of the time the sniper always have somekind wall infront of him, like axe, so your PA blinks in with bkb, gets insta called and most likely dies. Just had a game like that where it was impossible for us to get to him and he just raped everybody.


                                                    Sniper needs to get shutdown or counterpicked.

                                                    Nothing OP about it.

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      ^-----from the looks of things if your playing it ;)


                                                        wow i love all the crybabies... i always liked the troll, i saw potential in him.

                                                        Now that others started to realise it; WOW, HE IS OP.

                                                        same happened to axe. And this will repeat :)


                                                          ^ This comment...


                                                            ^^ the cute thing is 59 of ur games with troll were played in 6.83b and c

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              ^^^maybe he saw the potential a day before the pros?

                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                Power and issues of sniper on full display in EG vs MVP Phoenix..

                                                                No matter how far ahead, no matter how much map control, going high ground is just not fun at all.