General Discussion

General Discussiondem wins

dem wins in General Discussion

    I expect 5k today 5.5 next week

    jus chillen

      so it took you that long to climb from 4.6 to 5k, kappa


        I quitted for 1 month and when i came back i was having fun till ppl told Me why im stuck at 4k, i went full tryhard

        bum farto

          Thought you told me you quit mid :p


            Yeah i liked the offlane i wanted to stay at offlane till like 4 ppl told me i cant get out of the 4.6k, then i went back to mid , cuz i got pissed

            jus chillen

              idk if you actually can get out of this mmr if not going mid, in short time anyway

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                If it was back i would get out using hard carry since it was my best role , and yes i can and alot of people did , the only reason id spam mid is im good at it


                  Wow 5k!

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Need help trapped in 3500 mmr hidden pool..............