General Discussion

General DiscussionBuild worked this game, but I need an optimal build for Weaver

Build worked this game, but I need an optimal build for Weaver in General Discussion

    This game I went RoA>Treads>Maelstrom>Crystalys etc

    However, is it optimal or is there a better build for weaver?


      sometimes you want deso, sometimes you need early bkb, sometimes mkb. often u need HoT as 3rd-4th slot.


        When do I go for early deso over the maelstrom, because UAM prevents me from getting both and I like picking up a MoM later once I get tanky?


          you need deso for split push mainly
          but why mom? attack speed is the last thing you need, it doesnt combine with your passive. movespeed is even less useful.
          and also u can get mael, deso and mom. if u pick them up in the right order once u purchased them all, yu will have deso or mael (in case it procs) with bonus attack speed from mom, but without vamp.

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            I actually needed it for lifesteal, even though I know I should be pesky and going in and out of fights when i build enough dmg i sit and right click


              weaver with lifesteal sounds rather weird to me tbh :)

              Natsuki Subaru

                I hate weaver, pretty much every heroes that doesn't have a concrete core (always situation item build).
                Pretty good build but you're pretty dead without a heart
                I can't say, you won so I guess it's optimal, but weaver's items are very limited but situational, you owned so I guess that's the right mix.


                  maelstrom only overrides desolator when it procs. otherwise it's not considered a UAM, although it doesn't matter since desolator is a buff placer rather than an orb effect, so it's not required that you refresh the buff on every attack, whereas with lifesteal, if you proc maelstrom you're basically losing out on a quarter of your lifesteal.

                  with desolator and maelstrom, you're not losing out on the -7 armour unless you proc maelstrom on the first hit and don't apply desolator, therefore not increasing damage of the first projectile. if you really wanted, since desolator has a really long buff duration of 15s (i think), you can benefit from desolator and other attack modifiers by attacking with desolator first, dropping the item and then picking it back up again, switching your UAM, while the enemy still has the desolator's debuff on them, and you'll be lifestealing / slowing them with skadi.

                  if you want lifesteal, get dominator instead, not madness. the 20 damage is more synergistic with his abilities, and you get 5 armour as opposed to 30% increased damage. plus if you really need it, you can upgrade the dominator into a satanic, which can be an alternative to heart. though skadi/satanic are really popular this patch, weaver's one of the few heroes that actually benefits from the heart regen in fights, so just read the game situation and itemise accordingly.

                  skadi is a legit item on him, you can see it either as a heart substitute, or a linkens one. it gives you way more stats than linkens does, and it gives more damage + survivability vs physical than heart does. even though weaver has good chase, don't underestimate the slow because late game you don't want to be spending any time in shukuchi not attacking people if you can help it. also works with lifesteal, so that'll give you the regen that you lack by not getting heart/linkens.

                  imo crystalys after maelstrom isn't optimal. I don't see crystalys worth getting on it's own unless you're pairing it with desolator or if you go daedelus immediately after getting crystalys. even something like medallion would probably do more damage than an early crit, or if you're looking for damage as well as utility, diffusal or basher are slightly more expensive than crit but make up for it by not being one-dimensional.

                  if you want only raw damage, don't ever get MKB instead of daedelus too if there's no evasion/miss chance, although with the frequency of troll picks this advice is probably moot.