General Discussion

General DiscussionLINA OP

LINA OP in General Discussion
Natsuki Subaru

    Lina OP how to counter
    (really how do u beat, let's say, a very good lina in mid lane)(TA is good but boring to play sad)


      just cause im feeling nice.

      you dont need to beat lina, just farm and dont feed bitch is useless as long as she cant kill and/or has to commit too much to get kills --> feeding

      so just relax and ignore her


        The easiest counter to her is not getting caught by lsa. Trust me ^^


          pugna earth spirit ta


            99% of linas mid hit all creeps till half hp... then Q..

            just evade her Q but if she stuns u with that awfull animation cast time
            then gg
            ur bad


              How could TA possible be boring? That just dont make sense.

              Orchid and blade mail should own Lina even if she has eul

              Or pick AM and Viper and get 60% extra magic reduction from two Hood


                it is not animation delay. it is spell delay.

                "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                  dont get euls or carry ur own euls and double euls. New meta

                  waku waku

                    make her get over here


                      Abaddon (keep allies alive,) Riki (smoke cloud is pretty good to drop under her when she euls someone,) Lion (hex her and drain all her fucking mana away)


                        Blade mail, jugger , slark , orchid , axe , lion , bkb , linken , puck , bristle back , ta , sniper at laning phase but laguna will hurt u especially with ur mom, lina is by no mean op, strong but not even near op.


                          Abaddon? Doesn't her ulti hard counter him?


                            OD: No manapool; no problems.

                            Sky: Spam her do death; silence if needed.

                            Balanar: Play cautious; wait till night. Silence, kill, profit.

                            Antimage: Wait till she fucks up one of your mates in Teamfight. Blink. Hit 1-2 times. Ult: Hurt the entire enemy team. You do not need a hood on antimage; thats the biggest bullshit ever heard. Get a heart. Even without it she will have a hard time killing you, cause she needs perfect timing on euls into stun. Many linas fuck it up and you can just blink before stun hits.

                            Spiritbreaker on Offlane: Lina has nothing to cancel your charge in the laningphase, if you chose the right angle. Kill her 2-3 times in the laning stage and your midlane should have a huge advantage. Beware of tp reaction; don't get greedy.

                            Riki on Offlane: Ez prey till she gets euls.

                            Viper mid: Ez to kill. Just do not eat her Q too often.

                            TA: She has nothing to eat through your refractions.

                            Ember: If you have a decent ping and quick fingers you can dodge everything she uses+your shield.

                            Earth Spirit: Silence, Nuke, Stun, death (until she gets euls).

                            Puck/Qop: Even lineup

                            The hero that hast most problems with her and is picked often this meta is storm. You have to get pretty close to the creeps: Increases risk of getting caught in the early game.

                            And ofc pudge. A retarded hero in almost every situation.

                            Thats all you need to do:

                            Do not eat her stun in the earlygame. As a ranged hero it should be ez.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Pugna with his nether ward is pretty good. Nyx with his manaburn can cause some problems, as well as earth spirit and other heroes with silence spells or orchid.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა