General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you feel when your supports..

How do you feel when your supports.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Constantly buy wards, courier but also feeds? Thoughts?

    waku waku

      it can be either their fault for not supporting good enough, or their allies fault for not preventing the enemy from asserting their dominance on them, so it varies

      but generally if you try to be as helpful as possible (almost nobody actually does that) it doesn't matter if you end up feeding in the process


        Being postive has helped me a lot. You just know when to TP to a different lane to help them out as soon as possible to get a kill or two.

        Also, don't bully people or complain about not having money, you'll get your money eventually.


          Sweet maymays


            its ok if theyre intelligently warding and the carries are being safely farmed as a result


              If they're constantly buying wards etc, I think it goes to show they are team players even though they might not be good enough at supporting if they keep getting caught out and die.

              In that case you can point out to them how they could have been supporting better? Eg. if you see your support trying to go ward a risky area with all heroes missing then stop him immediately and tell him to ward later when there's a safer time or follow your support and guard him while he goes to ward/deward?

              IMO the problem comes when the supports refuse to listen to any advice and keep feeding when you have warned them that heroes are missing from the map. If you see them doing risky maneuvers and you don't say anything about it to them, then you're equally at fault and can't blame them if they feed.

              plz do

                if its a good trade, why not feed? I like to initate w a high risk suicide move as pos 5 to drag attention and spells on me while my team (or carry) get the chance to crush the opponents. 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 turns out to be a good benefit - and if I have teammates, who dont sleep or just float around the map, I might even survive - get some greedy kill steals - and get that precious dagger fast.

                Also if safelane gets ganked a lot, I will do anything to protect my carry. Better I feed than my greedy carry. ofc i will take the blame for my teams incapabilities, so everyone else can feel better about themselves.

                Also, if supports dont support and dont do more than buyin wards and courier (really anybody can do that) - just ask them to stack, smoke, gank mid, rotate, ward, deward, tp, sit on a lane, farm or whatever. A lot of times the supports favorite position has been picked and they end up not knowing what to do playing support. Supporting is a lot about timing and being at the right spot in the right moment. It is about punctuality, accuracy and strategy. That actually makes it a core position imo, without being called a core ofc.

                tl;dr gg afk

                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                    Meh. What i like more are supports that can't ward for shit, but are good overall players who know how to position, initiate, where to move and when to get the fuck back. Feeding supports are the worst if they die cause they're retarded and then apologizing they only tried to help. Learn to position and initiate properly and if you combine that with good warding skills, then youll become a really descent support.

                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                      I never notice it when my supports feed so can't be that bad.



                        how about when mostly solo queue i get no supports at all? :))))) axe forced to get courier and wards ...

                        but tinkotinka fyyq managed to win... create space for team mongol0ιds without even having a single ward till min 25-30...

                        sad games but w/e

                        GRAPH IS SEHR GUT

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          I tell them to wait for me to escort him to ward. Dont flame or it will backfire.


                            if they dont actually buy cour and wards, they ought to be kinda lowskilled in general