General Discussion

General DiscussionPlese think before you ansler!

Plese think before you ansler! in General Discussion

    Is the hardtryers bad for dota. Most of the players are ready to surender the games in the prety good positions. I see a lot of people spaming gg ez katka then lose the game. The diferences of 12-15k gold (we talk about publick matches) are not the end of the game. And if someone lose his lane does that mean that his team just dont have a chance. If you go afk in every game you did not make best performance you are not able to climb the mmr so fast. And 1 more question if you have time to play just 1 game for dota for the entire day will you play the game diferent.


      i spent a while thinking and re-reading, but I still do not understand what is the actual question of yours.

      bum farto

        Is the hardtryers bad for dota:

        No, it depends what your definition of a tryhard is. If someone playing the right hero, and doing what needs to be done to win a game then something is wrong with you.

        Most of the players are ready to surender the games in the prety good positions:

        This is because a lot of games are 99% of the time not worth the +24 I would prefer to lose and go next then sit 50 minutes with some morons.

        I see a lot of people spaming gg ez katka then lose the game:

        This is because some people get over confident and do foolish mistakes when they have the advantage and end up giving comeback gold away which in turn can cost them the game if the team were to turtle against you.

        The diferences of 12-15k gold (we talk about publick matches) are not the end of the game:

        It can be, it depends on the scenario, lane setups, how much of that 12k is on your cores etc.

        And if someone lose his lane does that mean that his team just dont have a chance:

        Again, it can be. If someone is feeding mid vs a storm or SF it is highly likely that that mid will snowball over you. Yes, it's sometimes premature to tell but a lot of times people just don't like seeing their cores feed over and over.

        If you go afk in every game you did not make best performance you are not able to climb the mmr so fast:

        Well that kind of speaks for itself. If you're not performing up to the level your MMR says you are then it will drop you till you're with the 2k's and can afk all you want and still have an equal chance of winning/losing.

        And 1 more question if you have time to play just 1 game for dota for the entire day will you play the game diferent:

        Usually you play your first game of the day quite well. Perhaps not mechanically because you need to warm up, but you're usually a lot more understanding of people's mistakes.

        ......what is the purpose of this anyways? Why is this important to you? Are you now in a bracket where you feel you're in a position to perform below the level required and still get wins?




            I've heard from long time dota 1 players that in the dark ages of dota people who tried to last hit and didn't autoattack lane creeps were considered tryhards.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              I've been called tryhard for denying creeps and especially towers. rofl


                Hell there was a time buying chick/wards got you reported for try harding, even by teammates, vision was unheard of and couriers were walking at 30 minutes if they even existed

                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                    started to read. stoped at the 1 sentence my english suck but ur sir is a miracle

                    Double Agent


                      plz do

                        @dravic, KiTrak
                        lol dota 1, thats how it was :D good old times = best times. Pit Lord comes hopefully soon?


                          If you dont hardtry every single game u cant go better


                            ''PLESE THINK BEFORE YOU ANSLER! ''


                              how can i say that corectly ?


                                please think before you answer, mr.Troll :)