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General DiscussionSo this happened!

So this happened! in General Discussion

    Why do i get put with people like this?

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        Well that dont help much...

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

            you clearly haven't looked at my other games, i do play welll but my match making itsnt fair, I'm with people who couldnt handle passive bots.

            how exactly do i get on a higher level?



              if you want fair matchmaking u dont queue for random draft
              there are so few people queueing that, so the odds of winning isnt usually 50-50
              if you insist on queueing that mode then you just have to accept the common occurence of imbalanced teams.

                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                    Last game i couldnt help that, Crystalys on Zesus....

                    I think i may just go back to all pick. i prefered random draft to force myself into heros im less comfortable in playing. But i think im ready to get back on it.

                    I really would love to play very high skill games one day, but im really far off that mark at the moment.

                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                        your saying that zesus with Crystalys is better than me. Your not making much sense..


                          you have no idea if that is the point you are making.


                            I can find a game you sucked at as well.


                            MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                              your assuming item build decisions are all that makes a player
                              fact is if hes put in the same mm as you (ignoring matchmaking discrepancies caused by -rd) it means hes ahead of you in many other game aspects like laning positioning farming patterns etc


                                Contrary to what you seem to beleive, 90% of people don't take Random Draft games seriously.

                                If you really want to force yourself into playing heroes you normally don't pick, but still want the rest of the players to take things a bit seriously, just queue AP and random every game...


                                  I didn't know that, i thought all game modes were taken seriously, well not AD or death match. But fine, as stated earlier i think i will go back to all pick. Just random see how it goes.


                                    if you can't stomp against 5 other shitters, how are you any better than them?

                                    also normal skill != vh skill.

                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                        again you have no idea. your trying to sound smart, but you are not. I don't care what MMR you are.
                                        GTFO of this thread if you have nothing useful to write. You are wasting you're time. You think you're really bad ass at the game but you are not that great as you say you are.

                                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                          i mean what useful input do you expect out of this thread
                                          are you expecting gifts of condolences

                                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                              I wanted to share my dota experiences, see if anyone has the same thing going on.

                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                  LOL reported


                                                    you're a keybroad warrior


                                                      thinks he is hard core on the computer.


                                                        this game is about team effort. you dumbass.

                                                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                            sounds standard, TY for the tips

                                                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                if it's all about team effort, why did a 5k player who was playing on a 2k account win every single one of his games climbing from 2k to 4k? because he was miles better than every other player in his games.
                                                                see 'juice experiment'

                                                                and if you weren't so unwilling to accept the fact that you're shit at the game you wouldn't be taking offense at people calling you out on it.
                                                                by all means ignore the truth, we don't care if you stay in the 2k bracket


                                                                  just looked at your Esports profile. Dam.

                                                                  Ok again big thanks man. These tips are useful to me. considering I'm fairly amature to the game. going to apply these rules :D

                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                    im starting to think maybe flame level is just relative

                                                                    kitrak's first comments (hell, all his comments in this thread) make him a freaking angel compared to some people of similar mmr in the past but he's still the 'bad guy' cos relative to this thread he's the flamiest

                                                                    im 100% sure if blunt posted in this thread you'd have thanked kitrak and reported blunt xD

                                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                        maybe he realised he was on a sinking ship rofl

                                                                        seriously though op, i know there's probably no point trying to convince you that your teammates are as good as you, but think of it another way, nothing you do, no amount of flaming or bitching in threads or whatever, can change what your teammates do. so stop thinking about them because nothing's going to change. all you can change is yourself and how you play.



                                                                          You dont even remember what you said, you where a lot more abusive than just calling me "shit". "DOWN SYNDROME" as well or have you forgetten that. Diifferent ways to go about it, one be a dick like you are, or just dont even get involed or be have your input in. You think you have done nothing wrong here... dont make me laugh. I posted this thread just to see if others where in the same boat as me haha. Didnt need to be abusive about it when i gave you a link and a bad game of you own.

                                                                          Finally you acknowledge the fact you're wasting time with me, then why carry on posting.

                                                                          If he callled me fucking stupid or the downs i would report him to, Seriously did you not look at this thread? or ignore the bits where i was named called?


                                                                            For the record it's not 'sucking andros dick' just saying thank you for his input which is far more positive about it than you have been. You just to know how to put things that don't come across as being a dick. Theres being a good player and theres flamer/abusive. where did you get the idea that i flame people in games? any evidence to back up that i am? the only thing i have stated is in that game i was questioning why the fuck did zesus or viper get those items.


                                                                              Lastly look up the Forum Guidelines i shall bring that up for you here.

                                                                              - Be respectful. It's often easy and automatic to forget that behind each username is an actual human, which is why internet discussion can be offensive. Be courteous and write to others as you were speaking to a person.

                                                                              - Be helpful. Our topics often begin with a question. What did the poster want to know? See if you can help him or her out with your response. Even if there is no question, such as a topic complaining about MMR, you can answer back: what are you having trouble with? Discussion is a two way street.


                                                                                In what part of this forum have you been respectful and helpful? neither.

                                                                                So before any more people join the KiTraK`bandwagon, just remember read the comments he has made and think, why join up with this guy? I am an insentive person with no thoughts or feelings for the other guy, no well better hop on broad.

                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                  Lets bullet point this cause I think this is just a waste of time.

                                                                                  * You're playing a dumb mode which people will queue to troll, and you take it seriously?
                                                                                  * You're playing a dumb bracket where anything is viable and possible.
                                                                                  * Pay for peanuts, you get monkey. Play in normal skill, you get......the picture.

                                                                                  Why does the ember get people like this

                                                                                  It's like me asking someone why they put some "moron" in charge when I myself am in a straight jacket being fed through a tube. Your bracket, your playstyle, your modes, your heroes, your builds are all pretty wank so just live with it and just dust yourself off and move on.

                                                                                  Do you think I intentionally did this? shit happens, to you, to me, and to the people you get on your team. Deal with it, man up, move on.

                                                                                  EDIT: Obligatory git gud!

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    I think i willl keep myself to myself from now on. Getting these very high skill players laughing at me, hope this made your day.

                                                                                    I was only making a comment to see if there were other people who get this from time to time. I'm trying to get better at the game jesus. Yes in that game techies killed me over and over again with his mines where i was trying to ward. But if you look at the game you would see that after that i warded everywhere. The first 20 mins i died a lot from techies mines, but i recovered by again warding everywhere and playing defensive for the rest of the game which worked out for us. I know what you are saying everyone has bad games from time to time. Ember was lucky to even have a jungle to farm because of the wards. If i was shit he would not be able to go there without knowing that danager was around. But then again i am a retarded player. People are mostly being negative when they fail to see a good game that i played.

                                                                                    finally about the mode that i play, i didn't know that game mode was a troll one OKAY i know death match and AD are.

                                                                                    bum farto

                                                                                      "I think i willl keep myself to myself from now on. Getting these very high skill players laughing at me, hope this made your day."

                                                                                      Sounds like you're overly sensitive about criticism from better players. From what you consitently post you also think you're way above the players in your bracket and their bad game is "monkey" play and your bad game is creating space, or doing what needed to be done.

                                                                                      To reinstate, you're playing a mode that people go to if they're new (like brand new) to try out different heroes. Or some go to troll. You are the furthest thing from a good player and the road to improvement start with removing all blame from your team mates. Look at what you could have done better, how you could have played better.

                                                                                      You're 100% just as bad as your team mates, if I were on your account playing random draft I would win 100% of your games 100% of the time even with bad team mates.

                                                                                      Your question isn't how can I avoid doing X, or what Y mistakes did I make? How can I make Necro work in a bad game etc. No, your question/statement was.

                                                                                      "Why do i get put with people like this?" You get put with people who are just as bad as you. Stop complaining and get coaching to improve, or change modes, or watch games from better players on heroes you like.

                                                                                      Attitude changes before the game will!

                                                                                      EDIT: In the past when trying to prove this point to normal skill people I coach I let them play on an account that use now and then to show them that if they were any good they would be able to play comfortable on a higher skilled account no problem. Would you like to try out a few games?

                                                                                      Last guy to do it played Alch even though I told him that the hero wasn't a good hero to play he was convinced the "monkeys" in his team were holding his Alch back so there we have it, even in the game he won he had no impact at all and was just carried.

                                                                                      Do you think you're that much better that you could win. or have a large amount of impact?

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                        Ok thank you

                                                                                        enough out of me for one day.


                                                                                          cuz at normal skill 101 % of people are potatoes


                                                                                            @OP, dude, just deal with it, I lose a lot of games 'cause people can't fucking get back when u ping them for like 10 seconds straight and type warning them of incoming gank. Some people are just retarded.


                                                                                              Personally, I play Random Draft and Single Draft because I don't want to fucking play a Sniper/Jug/Troll game every game because that's boring. The big challenge is that sometimes you'll have to play a role or hero you're not entirely comfortable with. That being said, niche picks are still a thing. On your game, the enemy first picked Nyx Assassin, a really niche pick nowadays, and then you went ahead and gave him the lineup he loves to go against: squishy heroes including mostly intelligence based heroes. Were there seriously no tanky heroes in the draft?

                                                                                              Also, maxing Heartstopper Aura first on Necro makes me sad.

                                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                Lycan post
                                                                                                y dis es feed omg y this happends to me


                                                                                                  because you are like them
                                                                                                  nice last hits and TD

                                                                                                  U wot m8?

                                                                                                    thread worthy