General Discussion

General Discussionso i just played with this dd guy in a pub..

so i just played with this dd guy in a pub.. in General Discussion

    holy fucking shit hes bad had uncontested lane with 2 supports AS SNIPER

    managed to die there multiple times and then couldn't carry a game vs enemy safelane qop


    and best part of that game he was tryint to teach me how to play ta while i was carryign his sorry ass after being ganked billion times by enemy mirana venge


      vaikiss is the 2-0-2 build really worth it against ember? meld is so good vs him I used to even max meld so I could kill him with 2 hits when he started to get agressive


        i dont really kill anything prior to level 6 or dd/haste rune unless they come into my lane and let me get free kills

        other than that i guess getting point or more in meld is nice against ember but since that lane was 3 against 1 i never had a chance to get a kill anywya and my team didin't knew what tp scrolls was so i was just focusing on comming back from being heavily shut down from ganks and farming up to get back into game

        i guess i did fine considering i was just a little bit short of our safelane carry :horse:


          oh boi that was delicious :D

          whiskey waters



              at being bad dd > me

              i agree with u

              casual gamer

                did they have an aggressive tri or something? I cannot for the life of me picture magnus beating sniper 1v3 unless sniper is 0k mmr and gets skewered under tower


                  no they had 2 roaming supports they both were sitting mid appeared in bottom once and killed sniper instantly (while magnus rpd creeps)

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Strong TA


                      If its 1v1 then yeah, meld rapes ember (i know coz i play ember, not ta).

                      You should have asked for someone to come mid as well, you being duo mid expert and all.

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        You dodge Chains with Meld. ez lane

                        Za vikend sam tu najverovatnije, ae neka bleja?


                          wat dodge chains with meld ?

                          last time i checked chains was instacast ability that can only be disjointed with manta euls or bkb

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Doesn't hit invisible units, you Meld before he Chains. Not that easy, but not so hard to do. Embar ez lane


                              that makes litteraly no sense

                              its like saying u use bkb before u predict teamfight happens

                              and then teamfight doesnt happen and u got no bkb left or in this case no meld and no more mana to cast anything else

                              like dumbest thing someone can ever come up with dodge chains with meld LOL

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                ^ idk if troll or tard.


                                  You are supposed to read your opponent's mind so you can Meld before he Chains, obviously! I mean, what kind of idiot is not able to do that?

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    ^ In Dota you read minds all the time.


                                    whiskey waters

                                      ^lmfao this guy.


                                        well its usually obvious when he's about to chains

                                        0.00 cast point + instant net is a bitch though


                                          dodge chains with meld by predicting when he casts chain

                                          thats so fucking next level

                                          the ember would have to be next gen as well to constantly cast after you've gone invisible

                                          Giff me Wingman


                                            welcum to teh club

                                            also vaikiss: Max meld against ember is a smart thing to do. You should try it. You literally 2 shot the retard.

                                            deso + Mom AHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAA

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            the realm's delight

                                              dodge bolas with meld L M F A O


                                                u can see an animation like 0.01 before chains


                                                  its true, anwyay that doesnt matter.

                                                  DD is a support player actually so i can understand why he went so bad items with sniper... Its not like he's tested several builds as i guess he rarely plays it.

                                                  IMO skady>basher and crits instead of deso and i dont get why he needed sb unless the game was going to shit...


                                                    wasn't he playing core with havoc in that scrub tournament ?

                                                    also whenever game started he was like 6200 mmr mid ofc i didnt let that trash mid cuz i knew how game would end (i had no clue that it was him until game ended anyway

                                                    he built desolator after i already did so and he knew im making one about sb well he was dieing nonstop in midgame to solo qop over and over again i told him to get some survivability but he was like lol es/clock initiate i only need damage

                                                    i honestly expected that guy to be atleast better than bogi but sadly..


                                                      samo se javi kad dodjesh.

                                                      edit: chains wont be high level anyways so it wont matter if you dodge it that.


                                                        IT would matter slighyly but there is no such thing as dodging chains unless ember player
                                                        1. metnaly retarded
                                                        2. plays with ping above 250
                                                        3. clicks his skills using only mouse

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          "u can see an animation like 0.01 before chains"

                                                          the limit of the human reaction has scientifically proven to be 0.01 seconds and i thought chains was instant cast


                                                            0.01 second is for most trained people in the world

                                                            decent gamer has probably 200~ milisecond reaction time on average depending on what he does (considering dota doesnt need much of reaction speed id say 200 is more than enuff for doto players)


                                                              dodge melds before he cast it


                                                                decent gamer has less than 160 im on 210 and pro csgo players have a insane reaction time compared to me


                                                                  well no shit fps requires so much more reaction than mobas or any other game genres


                                                                    I have a 400 ms reaction.


                                                                      theres nothing to be said about slark, its pretty straight forward hero.
                                                                      you max pact if you have some stacks in jungle to clear, you max pounce if you have kill potential on offlaner. you level up twice essence shift if you are laning vs stat reliable offlaner like timber or clock or bristle.

                                                                      you get sb, you kill people. i like stick over aquilla coz it saves lives, and once you get skadi (which you prolly will after sb) you wont have mana problems ever. midas optional, abyssal refresher (bkb optional) a must.

                                                                      and right click people, rocket science.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        wtf is that sniper build lol. max shrapnel last, go madness and deso and shadowblade? Please some 2 shot me with 1 dust as I just overrode my lifesteal with deso and have zero hp. Max shrapnel with lina and es should completely zone out offlaner.