General Discussion

General DiscussionSharing voice_ban.dt

Sharing voice_ban.dt in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Not sure if it's allowed on here but just wonder if people would like to care and share.

    Here's mine:

    It's my solution to noobs but yea hasn't work so far... source:


      Would you mind explaining what it is?


        ah nvm, your noobs are not the same ones i would put on mute list


          So far this is what I see:

          4000 games on you, tryin' to call new players noobs while after so many games can't get out of the real trench - 2k or sub 3k.

          Try to think again about it.

          I find it redicilous that you, as a player having over 4000 GAMES have LESS VERY-HIGH and HIGH skill games then me.

          How the fuck you can call someone a noob? Please explain me your theory.


            103 pages of vh games compared to your 20, his recent high skill games are in (unranked) all random, and he doesn't have a sub 50 winrate.
            iirc he's high 4ks, something like 4.6 i believe, while you're 1000 points below him, building shadow blade every other game. clearly we should all be learning from you.

            plz do

              its a fuckin sb leshrac. rape me face


                so how does this hmongolian dude can switch between VHS and Normal easily? playing with freind?


                  @A-lif yes, I am always around 4k mmr and I have a few lower 2k real life friends that tend to play with me a lot. So a lot of my games end up being "Normal" games. I think it's the same thing for him as well.

                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    ^ No, I just checked, it's exactly the opposite. The OP stacks with friends to get into Very High games. I just checked his very high games, he's always in a party.