General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper insane at mid or what

Sniper insane at mid or what in General Discussion

    Truck load of shrapnel in your face while with that range free shots on ya and if you try to fight him you are under shrapnel and you can't get close. That's my experience :/


      well, on the other side sniper has no escapre abilities, low hp and not that decent ms. easy to gank, weak against lina-lion-storm-clock initiation, etc.


        He's one of the strongest mids right now.

        And @above, that applies to the enemy as well. What happens when someone gangs enemy mid with Snipers imba slow? Shrapnel wards off ganks as well with slow because they can't stun you in time and counter ganks by your team will always work if the enemy commits to kill sniper because they'll get caught in your Shrapnel.


          we can find any hipothetical situations that favors either sniper or his enemy. the idea is that anything can be countered if played th right way

          plz do

            How do you skill him and which items do you favor? ( i guess we are talking only about mid )


              Armlet-blink dagger ofcours

              casual gamer

                max shrapnel first with 1 in each other skill by 4, then max take aim

                go phase mom maelstrom, or phase mom BKB. extensions sny skadi daedalus mkb bfly mjolnir deso

                get shrapnel at lv 1 and pop it on stunned enemy at rune for the easiest FB of your life

                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                  u dont have to skill so rigidly
                  sometimes the second take aim is a strong value point in certain mu
                  the 2nd point in headshot can also be value depending on how much u need ur take aim

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    He is actually not easy to gank...He was before shrapnel buff, but now it's not that easy to gank him, coz of it. I personally think he is the most broken hero currently. Maybe on par with Troll. Also he wins mid vs any hero, maybe besides Lina.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    Dire Wolf

                      He's hard to gank if wards are decent at all. I mean you have to get around them and basically go through the jungle and tower dive him to get him cus shrapnel is so strong, or have heroes like clock, pudge, mirana, spirit breaker who can gank from waaay out of visibility. Or have heroes who can tower dive like TA, storm or qop, nightstalker.

                      Alright so that's a lot of heroes I listed but on a normal support like cm/sand king/lion/witch dr/venge etc they don't gank him very well any more.

                      I personally don't get the mask of madness obsession. I find maelstrom so much better for farming, mask is only really good if you catch a support or something out and can blow them up fast. Catch any semi decent space closing carry like a PA or void and that 30% dmg is going to get you killed, even with the headshots. I would go phase boots, aquila, maelstrom every single game, then determine what you need from there. If your team has a shitload of front line disablers for you like tide, axe, slardar and enemy team has no gankers to kill you during a team fight like a nyx or riki, then go freakin desolator. If you're getting a shitload of free farm maybe you rush a butterfly. If enemy is on your nuts non stop get some hp and move speed to live with a s&y.

                      Standard items that will fit every game though, go s&y, crystalis, skadi then finish daedulus and mjollnir. And while I agree sometimes take aim is needed over maxing shrapnel, always max headshot last. It only increases your average dmg output by 10 per level past level 1. Shrapnel gets a lot of dmg boost per level but more importantly is the slow gets super strong going from 15% to 30%. That's a big difference.


                        He is by no means as broken as people say , honestly i dont find him that strong he is balanced

                        King of Low Prio

                          ^ he gets wrecked by storm, play him against any other hero and u will see the issues

                          King of Low Prio

                            the major problem with sniper and troll is that all they need is a aquila and all their mana problems are gone

                            King of Low Prio

                              Im sure plenty of people won matches against pre nerf earth spirit too (not that sniper is that bad)


                                sniper is definetly top 3 mid hero atm


                                  how does storm rape him again

                                  spiritbreaker and clock come to mind as counters but hes probably #1 mid atm

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Storm rapes because he can get into his face at ease and drop the remnants/overloads all over him.
                                    Obviously till he hits level 6 sniper does fine on lane.

                                    Arteezy goes for something like shrap/headshot/range then once more in shrap before maxing out range.


                                      But before storm hits 6 its pretty sad


                                        Yes, but a few levels after storm hits 6 (depending on team composition), it's pretty sad for Sniper as well. He forces him to get shitty survivability items instead of going full YOLO.


                                          Sniper is good at winning his lane mid and take t1 towers against a lot of heroes, but he's really average in mid /late game if you don't have a decent team around.


                                            important to know when to go 4/1/1 or to go 1/4/4

                                            it is great that shrapnel is good now, but a mid sniper will decimate a lot of lanes much better with 1/4/4 and PRM build


                                              Once I ulted on full 6 slots Spectre just to check map and then announcer said Sniper died... No jokes. He wasn't full hp, but anyway


                                                Sniper is unbelievably boring i don't know why people chose him


                                                  He is not as boring as you might think, actually if you try to play him you will find out that "just stay far away and shoot" demands skill, as being always out of fight focus is not so easy.


                                                    yeah, if your position is anything else than perfect chances are you are dead.


                                                      lol sniper shits on storm