THICC BABY SHUM 16.03.2015stick to the topic u kid TripleSteal- 16.03.2015no haterino plzTHICC BABY SHUM 16.03.2015no hom0 plz Pablo 16.03.2015Nah still uncaliedmwsqz 16.03.2015making a flame thread on carebears' forum~TripleSteal- 16.03.2015^u did 4 mistakes in the word "pedobears" THICC BABY SHUM 16.03.2015de fuck this bear look so boring TripleSteal- 16.03.2015well since you are 94, he isnt rly amazed and hotsalza's not hereSeoulmate 17.03.2015you said my name? also how has this thread not been deleted/locked yetკომენტარი შეიცვალა 17.03.2015PROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 17.03.2015its entertaining dem pepols afk sleep P.S. PAID SLAVE YNIT I LOVE U reported hotsalza for changing cute picture to this shietSeoulmate 17.03.2015FyyQ was a bad influence on me made me get this picture :'(PROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 17.03.2015K :) i take reports back in my pocket and i go sleep cause tmrw college will rek me hard GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG TripleSteal- 17.03.2015college op cancer rekts me everi teim volvo fixplz do 17.03.2015rl newbsTripleSteal- 17.03.2015rl is for 2k mmr scrubsLinda | DotaExchange 17.03.2015i am alive fyyq :DPROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 17.03.2015reported <3Mekarazium 17.03.2015კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 20.01.2018TripleSteal- 17.03.2015cyka Mekarazium 17.03.2015კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 20.01.2018TripleSteal- 17.03.2015sid od uy iavMokujin 17.03.2015msitau esuaceb კომენტარი შეიცვალა 17.03.2015TripleSteal- 17.03.2015uatism?Mokujin 17.03.2015Mokujin 17.03.2015uatism is realTHICC BABY SHUM 17.03.2015te gusta my car? TripleSteal- 17.03.2015my one is better PROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 17.03.2015HAPINESS PARADISE STICKER GGTHICC BABY SHUM 17.03.2015my is focking offroad 4x4 u suck TripleSteal- 17.03.2015my one helps me to pick up chicks every timejus chillen 17.03.2015hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjus chillen 17.03.2015nigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTripleSteal- 17.03.2015[size=50]YO, BRAZZA[/size] jus chillen 17.03.2015[size=3]yoo nigga, im not gay[/size]კომენტარი შეიცვალა 17.03.2015Blackwolf 17.03.2015@ttoyboy you die a lot in some games so improve positioning or/and ability to know when and how to fight some fights and when to run away XDjus chillen 17.03.2015or i should lower my flaming and intentional feeding skeelzTripleSteal- 17.03.2015[size=2.5]But I know u r gay, lier[/size]THICC BABY SHUM 17.03.2015my can get chicks above age of 5 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NIGGA PLZTripleSteal- 17.03.2015THICC BABY SHUM 17.03.2015omg how old are u?hi 17.03.2015 penisTripleSteal- 17.03.2015okay, density of pedobear jokes on this page of the thread is too damn high no moar bearკომენტარი შეიცვალა 17.03.2015THICC BABY SHUM 17.03.2015pedobears suck TripleSteal- 17.03.2015more or less everyone i joke about sucksTripleSteal- 17.03.2015except SatanTHICC BABY SHUM 17.03.2015fyyq prob smoking right now.TripleSteal- 17.03.2015unexpected turnTHICC BABY SHUM 17.03.2015TURNS WERE FIREDTripleSteal- 17.03.2015EVERISIN IZ ON FAIR RUN RUN RUNTHICC BABY SHUM 17.03.2015Triple Steal are u fat?კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.ავტორიზაცია Steam-ით
stick to the topic u kid
no haterino plz
no hom0 plz
Nah still uncalied
making a flame thread on carebears' forum~
^u did 4 mistakes in the word "pedobears"
de fuck this
bear look so boring
well since you are 94, he isnt rly amazed
and hotsalza's not here
you said my name?
also how has this thread not been deleted/locked yet
its entertaining dem pepols
afk sleep
reported hotsalza for changing cute picture to this shiet
FyyQ was a bad influence on me made me get this picture :'(
K :)
i take reports back in my pocket and i go sleep cause tmrw college will rek me hard
college op cancer rekts me everi teim volvo fix
rl newbs
rl is for 2k mmr scrubs
i am alive fyyq :D
reported <3
sid od uy iav
msitau esuaceb
uatism is real
te gusta my car?
my one is better
my is focking offroad 4x4 u suck
my one helps me to pick up chicks every time
[size=50]YO, BRAZZA[/size]
[size=3]yoo nigga, im not gay[/size]
you die a lot in some games so improve positioning or/and ability to know when and how to fight some fights and when to run away XD
or i should lower my flaming and intentional feeding skeelz
[size=2.5]But I know u r gay, lier[/size]
my can get chicks above age of 5
omg how old are u?
okay, density of pedobear jokes on this page of the thread is too damn high
no moar bear
pedobears suck
more or less everyone i joke about sucks
except Satan
fyyq prob smoking right now.
unexpected turn
Triple Steal are u fat?