General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you could make a hero, what would you make?

If you could make a hero, what would you make? in General Discussion
Greygrey the Sailor

    So yeah, title is pretty self explanatory, just post a hero idea down below, i'd like to see what y'all can come up with :P

    Infinite Ominous Guarantees

      A hero whos ulti kills one random hero on the map (including you and your team). Aghs makes you invulnerable.
      honestly it would ruin the game but it would be a great time.


        bring back gambler


          I would bring back true carry, those who suck earlygame, but rape lategame.

          Mb some mix between old naix and old troll with a spell that allow to remove ghost scepter/ attack trough it.

          Greygrey the Sailor

            ^matrice, how would one make a hero that is horrible early but scales late and wins the game ez?


              Well first, countrary to what have been made, you put true scalling ability (exactly the countrary to jugg)
              like for example : crit x2 with chance 5% / 15% / 25% / 35%
              Then you give him abnormaly bad starting stat:
              400 hp, 1 armor 40 damage lvl 1, 10 base agility
              But abnormaly great growth stat
              Stat growth : +2.5 streng/lvl +4 agi/lvl

              Then you give him only self utility spell, + 2 steroid (one of them passiv)
              And last you need a spell so that hero isn't getting kited all day long, either by forcing the affrontment, or giving a short cd gab closer.


                There is still one true carry existing.


                The most useless hero out there without items. Every other hard carry out there can still be relevant; drow with silence, void with chrono BUT NOT ANTIMAGE.

                me, government hooker

                  I'd make an NFL hero:
                  1. Tackle: Instantly kills enemy hero that you can run up to, if you miss you are stunned for 5s
                  2. Touchdown pass: Instantly destroys an enemy tower if your football reaches it, if intercepted you lose a tower
                  3. Fan Stampede: Random humans appear all over the map like tinker's robots but in a global range and just clutter the screen
                  4. Penalty: Disconnects a random ally or enemy player from the game, cannot pause game during this time


                    Isn't terrorblade a hard carry you liked Matrice?

                    On topic. I'd like a hero who is Midlane playmaker themed around being a bard.

                    milk that tastes like rea...

                      ^ tb has an early game damage steroid from meta
                      i believe matrice means, early game basically be like a creep, late game be unbeatable, however only if you can survive till late
                      it would be interesting and if a few of these 'true carries' were released would probably completely change the meta

                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                        I'd make a bird or a dragon hero.

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          So like old PL? I remember him being really weak early and needed to farm a lot, but late game he could almost 1v5.

                          Spectre doesn't have very high stat gains, but her early game feels very weak compared to late too (though the mom build people do now might make a difference).

                          < blank >

                            I'd make Scorpion from Mortal Kombat and change his color to green, so nobody will notice it xaxa

                            Mortimer Smith

                              old ebola spirit

                              Sugar Show

                                It must be a humanoid Shaolin woolly elephant brawled phosphorescent with tiny legs upside a thundercloud and his skill must be these:

                                Rain of Knives: Like phoenix sunray but with reduce armor and damage of enemies units.
                                Thunder Punch: Damage target unit and reduce all spell damage from the affected target by 30,50,80% by 6,8,12 seconds.
                                Fog bank: Create a permanent fog bank with 350, 400, 500 radius making any allied hero inside it invisible until a allied hero attack a enemy hero or just attack any other unit while the enemy hero is inside it. Heroes can attack enemies creeps without break it at Lvl2 and at Lvl4 neutrals/ancients creeps.
                                Heavy weather: Give allies bonus speed&evasiveness 20,30,40% and slow enemies by the same amount. (Global skill low CD).

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Double Agent

                                  The mud golem hero. 100% magic immune, with nothing but tank spells.

                                  Greygrey the Sailor

                                    @sugarshow, now that is what I like to see, like an actual fully made hero that has abilities that can really make an impact without being OP

                                    @Misanthropist, Well... I mean it could be useful, like heavy hp but no damage, just used for tanking spells, maybe have an ability that makes opponent spells aimed for other heroes hit him instead for a few seconds, could be used with a short duration but short cooldown so that you can grab spells mid frame :P


                                      i would make a hero who manifest themselves in somone when the times is right control that person for like 5 seconds

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        I would make a hero that has a stun that is constant and second skill would be toss so when you stun toss enemy hero stun would hit twice allowing my hero to be strong mid game then 3rd ability would be passive giving armor and chance that enemy get stunned attacking him. 4th ability would give him shit load of right click dmg and would make toss do more dmg but slow his attack speed to make it balanced and with aghs you would get bad ass cleave


                                          ^ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


                                            Well tb wasn't exactly a true carry, not good enough late game, but still too good lategame for his early presence.

                                            In true carry, we had pl (when he his illu were still 25% damage)
                                            Old tb, when illusion were taking 200% damage (but dealing only 55%) and meta had shorter cd, longer duration, but gave hp instead of damage. (he had way more hp, a bit less starting armor though)
                                            Old troll, with the useless skill blind, but a hell of an ultimate that have movement speed on top of as, and lasted for ~30sec.
                                            Old naga, with the insane reliable crit (but she died when ghost scepter appeared)
                                            Old naix (3 passiv + 20 sec bkb ultimate :p)

                                            Those heroes were fucking creep earlygame, but so strong lategame. That was an interesting addition to the game. Rape them early, or you gonna be raped.


                                              i would make gambler back


                                                I'd bring back heroes who looked the same as the jungle creeps.

                                                Greygrey the Sailor

                                                  @matrice, so like this?

                                                  Q-[size=15]Wrath of the ancients[/size]
                                                  Behavior:Unit target
                                                  Affects:Enemy heroes, allied heroes
                                                  Pierces spell Immunity:Yes

                                                  Hellmonger steals a portion of the selected hero’s attack damage, taking it for himself, slowing the selected unit. This ability is fully stackable

                                                  Damage Steal:5%/10%/15%/20%
                                                  Movement Slow:3%/6%/9%/12%
                                                  Enemy damage stolen duration:10 seconds
                                                  Hero damage gained duration:30 seconds
                                                  Cast Point:0.2s
                                                  Cast range:600

                                                  Cooldown:30 seconds ------------------------- Mana cost:100/75/50/25


                                                  Hellmonger’s enchanted sword grants him lifesteal. It also allows him to steal health from the opponent and gain true strike if his damage is much higher than theirs.

                                                  This is not a unique attack modifier.

                                                  Health steal:40/50/60/70
                                                  Damage difference:100/100/150/150

                                                  E-[size=15]Soul of the banisher[/size]

                                                  The Banisher’s soul grants him vitality to survive any fight if he does not break his promise to be unharmed by enemy heroes for a short time. Passively grants miss chance to foes in a 300 radius of Hellmonger at levels 3 and 4.

                                                  Damage Cap:50/100/200/400
                                                  Unhurt duration:25/20/15/10s
                                                  Soul heal:70/90/110/130
                                                  Miss chance Aura:0%/0%/20%/25%

                                                  Ultimate-[size=17]Word of the Hell beast[/size]
                                                  Behavior:No target

                                                  Hellmonger makes a pact with the beast of hell allowing him to increase his damage and greatly increase the effectivity of his other abilities for a short duration. Reducing the cooldown of wrath of the ancients, increasing the movement slow. Increasing the Healthsteal and lifesteal of Banishment. Increasing the damage cap of Soul of the banisher, decreasing the unhurt duration, increasing the soul heal and increasing the misschance.

                                                  Ability Duration:5/10/20
                                                  Cooldown reduction:5/10/15
                                                  Movement slow increase:1%/2%/3%
                                                  Healthsteal increase:5/10/15
                                                  Lifesteal increase:3%/6%/9%
                                                  Damage cap increase:25/50/100
                                                  Unhurt duration decrease:1/2/3
                                                  Soulheal health increase:10/20/30
                                                  Misschance aura:0%/0%/15%

                                                  Cooldown:100/90/80 ----------------------------Mana cost:200/250/300

                                                  Level 1--------------------Level 16---------Level 25
                                                  Strength:13 +2.6 ----------Strength:52-----Strength:75.4 (95.4)
                                                  Agility:15 +3.2 -----------Agility:63------Agility:91.8 (110.8)
                                                  Intelligence:11 +2.6 -----Intelligence:50----Intelligence:73.4 (93.4)

                                                  So his abilities are all pretty horrible to start off with, cant really get a kill unless he simply last hits the hero, But when word of the hellbeast is active the abilities all become pretty scary, however the ability doesn't last nearly long enough to get any use out of it at level 1 so you gotta keep leveling and scaling to get it to level 3 so you can actually use it.

                                                  His 2 passives wont do him any good if he doesn't have a big advantage on the enemies or he is nowhere near them and farming.

                                                  His Q stacks but the duration of the stack wears off as soon as the cooldown does so you need the ulti to cast that 2 times.

                                                  TL;DR the hero sucks early, like SUCKS early but in late game he can destroy everything including the enemy carry because he can almost not be hit and decreases the enemy damage so he gets constant heals from his passive and saps away the enemies life (increasing his damage but this does not count to the damage difference passive) increasing his own while simultaneously protecting his damage cap so that he can get that soul heal to give him his health back.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    Yup, exactly that kind

                                                    Greygrey the Sailor



                                                        Baby booabout

                                                        I'd make an NFL hero:
                                                        1. Tackle: Instantly kills enemy hero that you can run up to, if you miss you are stunned for 5s
                                                        2. Touchdown pass: Instantly destroys an enemy tower if your football reaches it, if intercepted you lose a tower
                                                        3. Fan Stampede: Random humans appear all over the map like tinker's robots but in a global range and just clutter the screen
                                                        4. Penalty: Disconnects a random ally or enemy player from the game, cannot pause game during this time

                                                        SAY WHAT AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!


                                                          To create a unique hero you must forget about dota, and think completely outside. :D
                                                          I never made one (idea for one) because I knew it would be a waste of time, but it wold probably be fun if I had nothing else to do.

                                                          I might use DOTA 2 TOOLS and make my own scenario one day... with custom heroes...


                                                            chipper from hon
                                                            hontrash unite